It annoys me for the simple fact that people seem to base their whole purchase of a vehicle around it. The kits are becoming cheaper and cheaper, and if you aren't mechanically minded there is always a decent mechanic who will do the whole job (including water pump etc) for no more than $150 (In my personal experience).
Jul 16, 3:52am
Close second .'how much for cash today!'
Jul 16, 3:57am
Thats cheaper than DTN even, V6 ToyotaPrevia timing belt due anyone! God there are so idiots on here with VERY limited experience!
Jul 16, 3:58am
"swap for my listing" Usually an absolute pile of <enter colourful language here> and usually completely overvalued
Jul 16, 3:59am
Last one on a VW golf cost nearly $900 So lets say I was to buy a cheap runabout. I can afford max, lets say $2500. So I go ahead an purchace, lets say anold 1998VW golf for $2500. Whoops for got to ask about cambelt. Suddenly that cheap or so I thought, $2500 car becomes a $3500 car. Add to the unexpected, a tyre or two, maybe a battery they never mentioned was on its way out, or missed elect window not going up,etc. Suddenly your $2500 car has ballooned out to 4k or more. Before you know it the cheap little run about becomes quiet expensive. I think to say you can find some one that would do your average cambelt for $150 is dreaming.
Jul 16, 3:59am
I think to say you can find some one that would do your average cambelt for $150 is dreaming. Last one on a VW golf cost nearly $900 So lets say I was to buy a cheap runabout. I can afford max, lets say $2500. So I go ahead an purchace, lets say anold 1998VW golf for $2500. Whoops for got to ask about cambelt. Suddenly that cheap or so I thought, $2500 car becomes a $3500 car. Add to the unexpected, a tyre or two, maybe a battery they never mentioned was on its way out, or missed elect window not going up,etc. Suddenly your $2500 car has ballooned out to 4k or more. Before you know it the cheap little run about becomes quiet expensive. You would have to be foolish to not ask if the cambelt was done, or be prepared to do it anyway.
Jul 16, 4:01am
Mint condition!
Jul 16, 4:03am
My father and I did the cambelt, waterpump, both idlers, tensioner, cam seals, crank seals and valve cover gaskets on his Lexus on the weekend. All in, the genuine Toyota parts only came to $450. We had it done over the weekend, even with some hiccups thanks to the last person who serviced it with RTV instead of gaskets.
Jul 16, 4:04am
And what do you think that would have cost if in the shop. How many hours did it take you guys to do it!
Jul 16, 4:05am
$150 labour .Really! Thats just over 2 hours in most garages. What else does he do at the same time
Jul 16, 4:07am
apparently "(including water pump etc)"
Jul 16, 4:08am
The next most popular question (after there are a dozen bids) "do you have a buy now!"
Jul 16, 4:17am
Seller: I am selling this car as I am moving overseas and it has to go! Potential buyer: Wanna swap a sacked out bmw on chromes! Seller: Yeah maybe send me a pixt blah blah (at)
Jul 16, 4:20am
OR on a car sale, Wife,partner, sum slag I meet is having a baby so need the funds.Open to swaps for dirt bike.
Jul 16, 4:23am
As a dealer, I hear the words 'cambelt' and 'AA check' about 5 times a day. It's an occupational hazard.
Jul 16, 4:23am
I ain't got time to fix it myself .
Jul 16, 4:25am
I think most people genuinely have no idea when the cambelt was last done on a car. I picked up a wof / reg / ruc'ed mk2 diesel golf for $100 last weekend, when I finally managed to clean the gunk off the cambelt cover sticker, I found that the cambelt is 80,000kms overdue, which according to PO's records, they never had it done in over 8 years! hard case but super cheap and easy to sort out
Jul 16, 4:29am
As far as I know, its got hardly any rust .
Jul 16, 4:31am
Engine was fully rebuilt by previous owner .
Jul 16, 4:37am
$450 was reasonable. BNT 3rd party products pricing was only $30 cheaper. With TGP you know they are going to work. Took us about 12 hours all in. Had a few hiccups thanks to previous servicing, or lack of.
Depends how long the shop took I guess. If they were a bit quicker at say 10 hours @ $75+gst an hour + parts + markup. Over $1000 easily.
Jul 16, 11:00am
They are a piece of cake to do if it was the 1ZU-FE engine. Good work and yes the genuine Toyota parts are quite cheap for this type of engine.
Jul 16, 11:13am
All the cars on the side of the road, for sale, had the cam belts done about a month ago.didn't they!
Jul 16, 11:17am
I offered to do the cambelt for cost on my celica auction and didn't get taken up on it *shrug*
And that was a GT4 which is a bit of a cramped pig.
Jul 16, 1:07pm
Personally, I think the cambelt change is a bit overated and well . passé nowdays. I think the next big thing for punters will be the 'Head swap'.
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