On road cost

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edward153, Jul 16, 10:24pm
I am getting a brand new car, and the dealer told me ORC would be around $1300! is it really that much! I look on the nzta site, and it's only $431!
Does anyone know if that's standard orc for a new car! what does that $1300 consists of!

hopie, Jul 16, 10:26pm
did you ask the dealer!

edward153, Jul 16, 10:27pm
I did, she is talking to her manager and will ring me back, but I am just wondering if anyone knows.

gadgit3, Jul 16, 10:47pm
Depends on the vehicle. a diesel will also have RUC and higher lience fees then a petrol

ezekiel67, Jul 16, 11:29pm
I imagine it would be the total cost of preparing the vehicle for the road; WOF, fuel, 12 months registration, RUC (if applicable), groom, and maybe fitting any accessories.

Get them to break down the cost for you.

edward153, Jul 16, 11:44pm
She came back, this is what it includes:

Registrationfor 12 months WOF , PDIpre delivery inspection , and a Full tank of petrol .

chebry, Jul 16, 11:45pm
If the cars isnt WOFFed and regoed why buy it let the seller pay for it they are desperate to sell tell them to make it drivable or walk away

bellky, Jul 16, 11:47pm
A rip-off in other words.

gadgit3, Jul 17, 12:16am
Brand new cars dont come with a WoF and plates and rego from factory.

jkm, Jul 17, 12:16am
tell them you want 6 months rego and half a tank of gas and you keep your $1300 in your pocket. Pre delivery inspection should be on the dealer. Should at least have minimum petrol maybe $20 bucks worth a WOF and Rego. Cant see where they get $1300 from.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 17, 12:17am
Dead right. Robbers.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 17, 12:20am
Tell them to give you the paperwork and you'll do the registration yourself.

And charging for a PDI . good grief, the frigg'n cheek of it!

jkm, Jul 17, 12:20am
So OK pay the $269 or what ever for 6 months rego ( first time )but the rest should be on the dealer. Disclaimer ; I have never bought a brand new car and probably never will.

splinter67, Jul 17, 12:28am
Go to another dealer

gadgit3, Jul 17, 12:28am
The price is a little high but I a new car dosn't have alot of margin in it despite what you think. On road costs alot of the time on a new vehicle need to cover alot of other things also. I'll brake it down a bit for you.
Within a Dealership the departments work as there own little co, so the sales department are paying the service department to preform a PDI and WoF.
Then sales pay the grooming dept to do there job. then there is all the paper work and admin.
On road costs are just a user pays deal nothing more. why should proffit be a dirty word! everyone needs to be payed and if it was all just throwen in for free then I think you would find the dealership would not last long.

gadgit3, Jul 17, 12:28am
The price is a little high but a new car dosn't have alot of margin in it despite what you think. On road costs alot of the time on a new vehicle need to cover alot of other things also. I'll brake it down a bit for you.
Within a Dealership the departments work as there own little co, so the sales department are paying the service department to preform a PDI and WoF.
Then sales pay the grooming dept to do there job. then there is all the paper work and admin.
On road costs are just a user pays deal nothing more. why should proffit be a dirty word! everyone needs to be payed and if it was all just throwen in for free then I think you would find the dealership would not last long.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 17, 12:41am
Plenty of margin in the fleecing you get for the warranty period servicing that follows though. think of it as a supermarket loss-leader type deal.

for_an_angel, Jul 17, 2:42am
So you think you should get everything for cost because you bought new!
And I think you will find within warranty you only have to service to spec but dosnt have to be done by a dealer

neo_psy, Jul 17, 2:46am
That seems a bit steep to me.

The only car I ever bought myself new (not leased company car) was ORC included, so I can't really say.

PDI seems like something they should do to have the car VINed when they start the process.

Ditto with a groom - if it's on the yard, for example.

kazbanz, Jul 17, 2:58am
The dealer is expecting you to pay for what has to be done to the car anyway.
Put simply I would NOT under any circumstances pay extra on top of the negotiated price of the car.
If they don't want your buisiness let your fingers do the walking.There will be other dealerships who can supply you the car even if they are the other end of the country.
-In case you can't tell YES I do think charging ORC is a rort.

gunhand, Jul 17, 3:06am
Ive had 3 brand new bikes and I can asure you all had WOFS, REGO's and full tanks at no cost above list.Plenty of other places to buy out there.
If you pay say, 65k for a new car then they want you to pay another $1300!,I think not.If theres no margin in new cars why would they sell them! Mind you have I have seen the local new # # # # dealer scavenging in dumpsters of late.

neo_psy, Jul 17, 3:13am
Yeah - this. Probably lots of franchised dealers (unless you're buying a Ferrari.)

At one point (dunno if it's still the case), Hamilton/Te Rapa motorbike dealers were doing a roaring trade with Aucklanders cos they were better than the locals.

And I know someone who was going to buy a brand new Harley, the Hamilton dealer was a dork so he walked into AMPS in Auckland and slammed his money down.

sw20, Jul 17, 3:15am
There is a dealer on Moorhouse Ave that had a lovely NZ new E36 M3 some years ago. It had +ORC of $550 next to the price on the SIN. I asked what the story was since it was NZ new and was already registered, I got a very defensive "we have to groom and wash the cars, new WOF, this that and the next thing".

Bought something else from somewhere else.

edward153, Jul 17, 4:05am
Thanks guys, I will call a couple other dealers and ask for their ORC, it's not like only this dealer sells this type of car.


tonyrockyhorror, Jul 17, 7:07am
Yes, I know that, and I'm sure some other people do to, but you watch them try and worm out of it when something unrelated to servicing crops up as a warranty issue.