hey all, im currently on the hunt for a drive shaft for a holden VK commodore 6cyl 3.3l manual sedan, any help please!
Aug 2, 4:28am
been sold :-(
Aug 2, 5:54am
Have you tried the wreckers!or looked on the net at wreckers!Try googling auussie spares or holden haven -both are in hamilton and will freight,
Aug 2, 7:41am
Do you not have one! or is the one you have damaged!If you have a damaged one I'm sure there will be somewhere local that can repair it for you which might work out cheeper that buyingand freighting a used one which in the long run may not be much better that what you now have.
Aug 2, 1:00pm
Im sure you have tried Holden Heaven in New Plymouth!
Aug 2, 2:03pm
try Feilding Wreckers
Aug 2, 3:34pm
All Holden parts in wellington
Aug 4, 2:00am
ha yeah ive tried holdin heaven in new plymouth, actually bought the car off them, may be work looking at getting it repaired but i did wreck it pretty good
Aug 4, 2:49am
I gotta ask, how did you wreck it!
Aug 4, 4:45am
Silly question.Are they still available new!
Aug 5, 1:18am
took it out in a paddock, it didnt like it much haha. it musta bin on its way out, though i thought it was the diff originally. not sure if i can get them new, wouldnt know where to look if you could :-/
Aug 5, 1:23am
Did you get it on Youtube, for us to watch!
Aug 5, 5:57am
Let me seeah um yeah a Holden dealer parts dept might just be a good place to start!doh
Aug 6, 12:05am
Ring Shane at Arthur & Low 06 7575832. Hes bound to be able to assist you.
Aug 6, 12:35am
ha it didnt get all that loose, was fun of course though! yeah ill chuck it up later :-)
Aug 8, 12:01am
wont sell it seperately
Aug 8, 12:20am
Take the whole car. Get what you want and then sell it for scrap.
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