I am looking to update my car to a hatchback

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carstauranga001, Jul 23, 10:50pm
Jazz, something smells like fish about this car. First NZ rego two months ago. Why is it for sale! Backyard dealer perhaps! No comeback for the buyer is there. I know I can't buy a good one of those in Japan to sell at that price. Maybe accident grade! And on Motorweb says Turbo Intercooled. Is this correct! I know you are very familia with these, is there such a model or is it a Motorweb mistake! I doubt the OP wants a turbo mate.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 23, 11:12pm
Its a good deal but not overly unusual to see one for this price. I have seen quite a few similar ones go in the 12K range.

Its a 2.0 non turbo. VW's brilliant FSI to be precise. Not at all unusual for it to be accidentally listed as a turbo as there are plenty of non-savy people out there who se "FSI" and assume it means some sort of turbo. Especially as all "TSI's" are turbo. If its listed as turbo somewhere its purely a clerical error.

Like I said, I am happy to help the OP check it out thoroughly and make sure they have got a good genuine car. For what they would save on dealers margin they could have it fully serviced and even buy a warranty if they really wanted.

I have been there and imported cars before myself. I don't proclaim to be an expert by any means but I know enough to steer someone in the right direction. Having bought in damaged imports for repair myself I am pretty good at spotting repaired ones. (and obviously I would have to see it in person to do so).

While I am all for taking the time to "do the math" and check things thoroughly I think you are a bit premature in your conclusions and casting doubt unfairly on this one.

BTW, I don't mean to intentionally impinge on your livelihood here by suggesting alternatives, you have a right to make a fair profit and feed your family. Its just its a public forum and supposed to be impartial and all about the OP. In this case especially the Golf Plus is potentially a brilliant option, not only everything the OP is looking for but phenomenal value and a LOT more car than the alternatives.

Its just a case of whether they take the time to drive it and compare. I suspect if they do they will understand why I am quite excited by that Golf Plus (assuming it turns out to be as good as it looks on TM).

bellky, Jul 23, 11:15pm
thejazzpianoma is at it again - postwash I'm calling it.

carstauranga001, Jul 24, 12:16am
Hardly impartial Jazz. As usual you can't see past a VW. As usual you are sugesting they are reliable. Whether or not the OP purchases off me my advise will be to buy Japanese, not European. OK, that's all from me on this one.

craig04, Jul 24, 1:01am
You're excited about that! What would happen if you saw some boobies!

yddac, Jul 24, 1:04am
carstauranga001 Thanks for your input I appreciate it and am interested in your stock coming in.

richardmayes, Jul 24, 1:10am
Just because he found it uncomfortable, it doesn't necessarily follow that you will. Backaches are something that driving with a bad posture (i.e. seat in the wrong place) causes, not the car itself.

Foot parking brakes are fine, it takes a bit of getting used to but there's nothing wrong with them.
If you stomp on the pedal hard every time you might end up needing to adjust the cable sooner than you would with a handbrake.

richardmayes, Jul 24, 1:14am

stevo2, Jul 24, 2:45am
Are you for real!
If he didnt rate them, he wouldnt be buying them in to start with and for what its worth, they are a practical reliable car but quite boring. Perfect for the person who has no interest in motoring but only wants to get from A to B (perhaps 80% of the population!)

splinter67, Jul 24, 2:55am
Yes I am for real If you think car dealers import cars into New Zealand because they are good its time you took a reality check the reason cars are imported are they are dirt cheap in Japan ever heard of a word called profit

No offense to carstauranga001 you seem like a genuine guy

clck2, Jul 24, 3:31am
Yes you are so right dealers land cars for about $500 And then sell them for $10,000 they make around $9500 profit on every car they import.carsoftauranga is giving good advice if youbUy a vw make sure you buy A very good 3 year warranty

thejazzpianoma, Jul 24, 5:06am
LOL, usual car dealer nonsense.
Can't help themselves but try and scare everyone out of anything not Japanese. Dosn't matter that its made by the second largest manufacturer in the world, low maintenance, reliable and parts are very well priced and easily sought.

If this was a Toyota Avensis or Mazda 6 there would be no such nonsense, yet both of these cars rate very similarly to the Golf plus in reliability survey's. I would rather pay for parts for the Golf than the Toyota too.

Anyhow, that's it from me. No point in offering to help any more, the OP is securely in the clutches of the import bridage.

BTW, I can't see past the VW because the VW Golf absolutely blew everything else out of the water when it came out, especially anything with high seating like the OP wants. In that price bracket and age nothing comes even close to being as good. Its easy to ascertain that on paper and in person.

Of course with that in mind the only way to defend the over priced and under featured alternatives is to attack the intangibles, reliability is great because people respond to fear and its not glaringly obvious like the number of gears in the transmission or how many airbags a car has. Just ripe for abuse with tall stories and wives tales.

Shame, because the OP would likely have a much nicer time driving around in something more comfortable with automatic wipers and mirrors that is smoother, more powerful yet better on fuel.

Best of luck OP!

clck2, Jul 24, 5:24am
Hi piano man just had a look at this vw your all excited about that has beenimported! Where has it been imported from Singapore extreme heat, uk rusty Japan poor servicing.of it was nz new with a full service history it would be a good buy

thejazzpianoma, Jul 24, 5:29am
I havn't looked into where its from etc as of yet. I was not going to bother unless the OP showed an interest.

Of course its an import, nothing wrong with a Golf Plus from Japan. The service history can be read from the ECU and there is no major servicethat can overdue to the point of concern at those km's. The other cars the OP is looking at will likely be imports as well and possibly not fully galvansed like the Golf Plus. Its actually quite comedy to try and suggest the Golf will be rusty as opposed to the Tida which is far more likely to have rust issues.

Such a shame about the sly underhanded comments to quietly diss the VW from some in this thread. I think its pretty mean that they play these games so someone who dosn't know any better gets scared away from a much nicerand safer vehicle.

Not much point in making a genuine unbiased offer to help in here with dealers and their brainwashed brethren circling.

clck2, Jul 24, 5:32am
Also ring a reputable warranty company like Autosure And ask them why it cost more for a warranty on a european car!

mantagsi, Jul 24, 5:38am
Bloke at work recently picked up a golf, damned nice wagon! I have an old one, and a vw beetle, so I am biased. Don't give up Jazz :D

clck2, Jul 24, 5:39am
Sorry buddy I know you are only trying to help its hard to beat a good nz new car with a service history

thejazzpianoma, Jul 24, 5:43am
Don't worry I won't.

I always find it hard to watch people who are relying on others to help them get scared into over priced shopping baskets with little in the way of comfort or useful features. When they could have something much nicer and just as reliable for their money.

But that's the twisted world we live in. Any country that dosn't have an industry swayed by used imports from Japan dosn't have this silly bias.

But you can only do what you can do.

clck2, Jul 24, 5:46am
Also if your spending 10000 on a car it is a good idea to buy a decent 3 year warranty no matter what the make is these days later model cars can be quite expensive to repair

thejazzpianoma, Jul 24, 5:46am
I agree, thats definitely the ideal. However I think its important to note that if the other car is from the dealer in this thread its also going to be an import, and likely a non-galvanised one with no provision to check the service history.

Its also important to weigh up how good a vehicle you can get for the money. Realistically anything kiwi new with high seats is not going to be in the same league as the Golf Plus.

Having had 4 imported Golf's of this age in the family, we are yet to see a single fault with any of them. However ours were all very carefully selected, and serviced properly. Which I think is the more important lesson, regardless of what badge is on the front.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 24, 5:53am
So long as the warranty is good value. I have seen some practically given away that have been worthwhile.

On the other hand I priced an AA warranty once for a vehicle. When you took into account the cost of the warranty, the excess and what it covered. There was basically no major failure I could think of that you would save money on. Unless you were super unlucky and had multiple major failures, but sometimes they have limits on those anyway.

Like anything, go slow and make sure there is value there.

IMO, the best value warranty with any car is to straight away bring all the servicing properly up to date (as in by the book and in some cases even beyond) and then continue with that servicing. Combine that with a vehicle that has been serviced well from the start and the odds are pretty good.

Again, not saying don't get a warranty as well, just do the math for value and make the servicing a higher priority than the warranty.

Its a funny thing cars. so many people get obsessed with having the "reliable" badge on the front yet completely ignore taking the time to get a good well serviced vehicle, continuing proper servicing and running the correct fuel and fluids. Sadly so many in the industry encourage this behavior too. From dealers that don't service vehicles properly to save a buck before sale and don't mention things are overdue. To service agents offering "service packages" that only change the oil and just look at a big list of impressive sounding things without actually servicing them.

Everyone just wants to play on emotions to sell over priced "smoke and mirrors" products. Its sad.

yddac, Jul 24, 1:28pm
Thank you for all the interesting and helpful posts which have helped narrow it down to 3 makes that I feel we should look at, check out and take for a drive.

shelleigh, Jul 24, 5:17pm
I agree - saw mine one day, test drove it the next morning then took ithome that afternoon.
The driver's seat may not be high enough for you in a Fiesta though OP although they are certainly very comfortable. I've done a couple of three hour trips in mine and my back felt fine.

chebry, Jul 24, 5:58pm
Actually I drive things for a living and the Tiida was impossible to adjust the drivers seat to achieve decent comfort, The car was very ordinary to drive poor cornering ability and ride gutless on hills basicly just a jap shit box and I drove it over one of the best driving roads in the north island.

yddac, Jul 24, 8:20pm
3tomany & shelleighHave added Fiesta to the list.What is it like on petrol! My daughter, the other half of this TM account, has a Ford Territory which is great on a trip but has to fill it up a lot more around town.It's too big for me but really comfy though I almost need a ladder to get into :)Gosh buying this car is worse than buying a house!