Fun to drive

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splinter67, Jul 22, 12:28am
Ok so I cant spell but Im not a teacher lol

next-to-normal, Jul 22, 12:37am
humber super snipe are nice sunday drive, do like the mr2 idea

jason_247, Jul 22, 12:40am
if you like working on a car buy a celica gt4

if you instead like working under a car get an mr2 turbo

robotnik, Jul 22, 12:53am
I suggest a late 1990s Alfa Romeo spider. These drive very well. You stick to the road like glue no matter how close to spinning you seem. A driver's car for sure.

mugenb20b, Jul 22, 1:05am
How could you tell.!

mugenb20b, Jul 22, 1:07am
Is that the reason you've got one! Feeling insecure about something!

red97, Jul 22, 1:13am
pretty good and 944 are seldom heard in the same sentance

grangies, Jul 22, 1:25am
That sounds like a recipe for disaster.

fordcrzy, Jul 22, 1:38am

turton, Jul 22, 2:07am

sw20, Jul 22, 2:13am
MX5. Turbo MR2. E30 BMW 325i

chebry, Jul 22, 2:53am
But not fun to drive which was the criteria.

stevo2, Jul 22, 3:58am

directorylist, Jul 22, 4:03am
Agreed on the RS mx5, horrible cars to look at. But by god you're grinning constantly

pebbles61, Jul 22, 5:04am

johnf_456, Jul 22, 6:11am
As been said mx5 are very cheap and a very fun car to drive. They handle well, grip well, hold the road and cheap to insure. Of course you could always spend more but if you want cheap performance they are good bang for buck.

bellky, Jul 22, 4:26pm
I beg to differ. Grunt is pretty much the main criteria that makes a car fun to drive for me. Some gutless little 'sporty' heap aint gonna do it.

bellky, Jul 22, 4:26pm
Grow up.

skyblue17, Jul 22, 4:57pm
Or you could get something serious.

0 - 100k's 2.8secs. Even a Suzuki Swift sport won't do that.

tazcsv, Jul 22, 6:31pm
Most fun car i had was a sw20 mr2 turbo, But they arnt the best in the wet
and if you push them to hard in the dry they will bite you hard.
In saying that i would own another one for a toy. I think a fun car must have plenty of power which the mx5 to me lacks.

splinter67, Jul 22, 6:39pm
Have you tried one of these gutless little sporty heaps you will get a fright not slow stick to the road what type of ford do you have

doug207, Jul 22, 8:35pm
MX-5, 944, and as already mentioned the E30 325i. All great cars if you buy carefully.
Please leave the Falcon argument out, it's just a cheap POS made for the masses who need to tow a trailer.

bellky, Jul 22, 8:46pm
Good on ya. My XR8 walks all over little hairdresser's cars.

splinter67, Jul 22, 8:53pm
Ive been a v8 person most of my life last one was a 400small block chev that which had more hp that your xr8 makes try a 4banger with a turbo on ityou will be very surprised

bellky, Jul 22, 9:13pm
Nup, not my kind of car thanks. I'm not a hairdresser or anything close to it. I'll stick to the cars I've got.