So what will happen when oil runs out

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red97, Jul 22, 11:35pm
yes they will, unfortunately they run happily atthe expense of the poorer half of the worlds population, corn and maize are being grown widely in europe as fuel for power plants to fufill eco fuel initiatives certain countries have signed up to, the tonnages involved are mindboggling and would go a long way to alleviating a lot of the planets hunger, thats not to say that continuous streams of food aid are a long term solution, however the starving children probably care very little about the my views on the best long term solution, any large scale 'bio' oil or ethanol production has the obvious consequence of raising the price of all the staple food products worldwide, even the ones that are not directly used to make fuel as they are no longer planted in favour of the premium being offered for the likes of canola and rape. so while it may let me tow my boat down to the slipway so i can enjoy a days fishing and waterskiing i believe it will be the direct cause of famine the likes of which this planet has never seen and it will not be a process that can be reversed overnight. thats what i reckon anyway.

phoenix2004, Jul 25, 1:03am
Umm ^^ hmmm

sr2, Jul 25, 1:16am
Now let me guess; "they" will be the same crowd who allready have a cure for cancer but won't tell anyone!

3tomany, Jul 25, 1:53am
just maybe look at this and coming from me this is bad bacause i have a 351 hot rod in my garage it loves fuel loves makeing people smile and hates tires, they must be destroyed. the point is there will be fun after oil

hfc2, Jul 25, 2:38am
there aint gonna be a shortage of oil, just hype from oil companies to hike up prices. read Ken Rings speel about oil, makes sense.

ntalke, Jul 25, 2:53am

dr.doolittle, Jul 25, 2:57am
Only the rich will survive.
Not much different to now really.

3tomany, Jul 25, 3:16am!v=RESC54vHr40&feature=related ge forgot to put link in alseimer i think they call it