What's with Holden Drivers?

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johnf_456, Jul 22, 6:21am

I do that as well, its a easy way to upset them. (and before someone jumps i do always keep left)

johnf_456, Jul 22, 6:23am

johnf_456, Jul 22, 6:28am
Thanks, good to see you posting more often.

johnf_456, Jul 22, 6:31am
Least your honest lol.

sw20, Jul 22, 6:37am
Wouldn't matter for you though would it, since you never speed.

ratherbefishin, Jul 22, 10:21am
Haha.you passed a Commodore.now tell the truth.he was parked at the time, and the only reason why you were tailgated is that it was one lane and you were doing 80kms in a 100 zone.lol.

richardmayes, Jul 22, 2:38pm
It's a race.

It's important to be "the winner".

steelman3, Jul 22, 2:48pm
My policy if your gonna pass someone you need to clear of out of it not slow down straight in front of them,

splinter67, Jul 22, 3:15pm
Good man you can pass me whenever you can catch me lol
To the op how fast where you going when you passed the car and did you keep up that speed or did you pass and then slow down.Truck drivers get that all the time pass me because Im a truck that they think is going slow then hold me up very frustrating

bellky, Jul 22, 4:23pm
Same. Which one is you in your profile pic! The handsome one!

hopie, Jul 22, 5:07pm
if your getting tailgated just rip the handbrake. they dont see any brake lights but get up on your arse REAL quick, if they dont hit you (which is their fault if they do) they normally crap themselves and stay back abit.

johnf_456, Jul 22, 6:14pm
Or flick on the rear fog light and drop down a gear.

sr2, Jul 23, 5:05am
+1. I couldn??

johnf_456, Jul 23, 5:06am
Thanks Simon.

johnf_456, Jul 23, 5:10am
Keep it to Johnboy, a tad OTT

chebry, Jul 23, 2:33pm
When someone shunts you while youre being smart with your handbrake and insurance and police investigate your vehicle you may be charged with dangerous driving causing an accident when its found you slowed dramaticly without stop lights and yes its easy to prove

chebry, Jul 23, 2:36pm
Rear frog light is illegal in NZ and must be disabled for certification and warrants you fullas dont know shit do you

johnf_456, Jul 23, 4:38pm

http://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/get-your-lights-right/get-your-lights-right.html#rear http://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/virm-in-service-certification/docs/gen-4-lighting-v4a4.pdf
Rear fog lamps

Summary of legislation
Applicable legislation
??? Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Lighting 2004
Permitted equipment
1. A vehicle other than class LE: one pair of front fog
2. A vehicle of class LE: one or two front fog lamps.
3. One or two rear fog lamps.
4. A retrofitted pair of fog lamps must be symmetrically
mounted as far as is practicable towards each side of
the vehicle.
5. A retrofitted front fog lamp must not be positioned
higher than the dipped-beam headlamps.
6. A vehicle may be fitted with a warning device that
indicates that a front or rear fog lamp is in operation.

Some people!

chebry, Jul 23, 7:04pm
So this is why the factory fitted rear fog lamps are disabled on my car you are not allowed rear facing white lights extra red rear lights are taillamps

johnf_456, Jul 23, 7:13pm
Read the VIRM it is the manual of requirements for AVI (automotive vehicle inspectors).

hopie, Jul 23, 7:34pm
they can tell if your lights were "in use" at the stage of an accident, fair enough but how do you prove they werent!

splinter67, Jul 23, 7:37pm
You just answered yourself

sr2, Jul 23, 9:28pm
Woops, just got my hand slapped by a very lovely sounding lady at TM. Wonder who complained!

hopie, Jul 23, 9:30pm
not really, if someone goe's up the rearend of your car, and the assessor checks the car and comes back with no brake lights, how can they determin that you did 'rip the handbrake'

splinter67, Jul 23, 9:44pm
The skid marks at the scene and the fack that your tyres will have a flat spot on them