Why do our MPs have euro cars ?

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ema1, Aug 30, 5:24am
Or more than the price they paid.more than likely. Perhaps a GOVT perk could be MP's getting em dirt cheap for private use in future after they replace em.
Wasn't there some buy back clause tied up in there with BMW / Govt deal somewhere!.

xpfairmont, Sep 1, 2:55am

xpfairmont, Sep 1, 3:08am

tilegirl, Sep 1, 3:12am
Agreed .owners of rotaries sit there going " wank wank wank wank " & then they start the car . Lol

taipan4, Sep 1, 3:48am
US president comes here costs 50 mill in security with a fleet of CHevy suburbans, anyhow Clint Eastwood for presidentborrow horse of MarkTodd lol

markthesparky, Sep 1, 11:37pm
that will explain 15% gst , no more govt kiwisaver contributions and selling off all our assets

bcbuilding, Sep 2, 12:09am
I can't see the issue.I thought all banana republics used euros.

a.woodrow, Sep 2, 1:44am
Stopped reading when I saw they had got the d & L clive two-handle's opinion

gammelvind, Sep 2, 3:13am
Maybe you should go down to the politics thread where your rather muddled and confused thinking is more likely to be appreciated.
Oh and pick up your cloth cap on the way out.

hotrodtodd1, Sep 2, 4:10pm
The Labour Govt figured they were the best option for our Cabinet Ministers, - rear door size and fuel economy/emissions being the deal makers from memory - and did a sharp deal with BMW, which included a commitment to a second batch after three years. Key bleated about the rollover at the time, as he didnt seem to know about it.

Did the Government, or Turners ever announce the average selling price of the 34 they replaced! Rumours at purchase time had them bought from BMW for under $100,000 each so we taxpayers may not have been gouged by as much as we usually are.

xpfairmont, Sep 2, 5:14pm
and they are VERY confused in there

ken171, Sep 2, 5:46pm
They use BMWs, cause they are the best cars in the world.!

xpfairmont, Sep 2, 5:52pm
there's always one.

horsygirl, Sep 2, 7:36pm
Wonder labour didn't order the "Bench Seat " option.4 bums abreast in the front.gay labour.