Some are electronically limited to 90 (the fonterra trucks) others seem to like traveling at 100+. However the speed limit for any vehicle towing a trailer etc is 90
Aug 24, 3:15am
What about a tour coach,with 100kph limit sign on the rear !
Aug 24, 3:30am
Down hill out of gear 100 +
Aug 24, 3:45am
Alot of trucks are speed limmited nowdays, some have 90-95 or 100kmhr limmitters fitted at the factory, most dangerous goods are limmited to 90, certianly all that I have driven are. Why do you ask, did you follow one doing 100! could be your speedo out, do you have differnt sized tires than what was factory fitted! If he was going down a hill you can "overrun" the speed limmitter but you cant "power- up" or coast past 90kmhr, some brands of truck automatically apply the brakes if you go over the limmitter.
Aug 24, 3:49am
This empty logging truck that passed me like I was standing still when I was doimg 100k
Aug 24, 3:55am
If it was empty with the trailer on the back i dont see the problem.Those things can accelerate and brake fine with no load on them.
Aug 24, 3:59am
you dont see a problem a truck going over a hundred,yeah right. driver must be a cowboy
Aug 24, 4:00am
Ok,im not talking about limiters only about the legal speed limit for a petrol tanker. Why the difference between the tour coach and the heavy truck !
Aug 24, 4:05am
They must be all cowboys then as iv followed plenty of emptys getting around the place at a decent clip.As long as truckies stick to the rules when they are loaded otherwise I just find it a bit of a non issue to be honest.
Aug 24, 4:09am
Heavy vehicle speed limit standardised
From 3 May 2004, the open road speed limit for all heavy vehicles will be standardised at 90 km/h (except school buses, which will remain on an 80km/h limit). Heavy vehicles are defined as any vehicle with a gross laden weight of more than 3500kg which includes some larger types of campervans as well as trucks and buses.
FP has been looking at one lately but his won't go any where 90
Aug 24, 4:18am
People SHOULDNT speed (isnt that a nana thing to say) but thats what the law says. Doesnt matter if your a car a truck or a boat.
Bus's have different diff's they go fast ;) doesnt make it any more legal, if legality is what your into. Some trucks are limited some are not. Some car's speedo's are out (most if you GPS them, or change the tyres).
Fonterra say there limited to 90, but some can go 95, but most sit on 88 cause there gps tells them if there going over 90, and that counts against the driver grading system. There drivers get a over all grade as to how well there doing the job (as i understand it, i could be wrong) they speed, there grade goes down.
GENERALLY fuel tankers, will get a bonus if they stay under 90 the whole time. Some dont care, so they go fast, only person you screw going fast is anyone that hits you and explodes, or if you hit someone else, but MOSTLY your own pay packet, cause your paid by the hour, doesnt take a genius to work out that the quicker you go, the less you get paid.
Empty log trucks passing you like your standing still and you were doing 100, BS, if you call 110 like you were standing still.
The speed limit on open road is 100k people. Whether you choose to obey it or not will cost in the end, and yes i speed sometimes in my own car. And yes i speed a little (95) when im in my truck, and SOMETIMES rarely (im being honest) if you piss round in front of me and accelerate on the passing lanes and slow down after, and im empty, and i have enough road ill do the whole 104(!) on the limiter to pass you.
No doubt ill get flamed now. please go on
Aug 24, 4:20am
As others said earlier ALL heavy trucks are 90kmhr speed limit. I dont know if or why tour buses are allowed to do 100kmhr.
There are cowboy truckies around but people probably dont realise how much pressure bosses put their drivers under, with shedules that have zero tolerence for delays. My old boss was a flukwit every other hour he would ring. where are you.whats taking so long. hurry up people are waiting for you.stop fluking around. So you would end up working over the legal hours and not even have any smoko breaks or even a rest, didnt put up with it for long tho I stoped answering the calls or would say "youll get the fluking load when I get there" ect then told him to shove it.
Aug 24, 4:29am
no petrol tankers are limited to 95ks,a mate got stood down for 6 months for racing another tanker down bombays one night and got busted with the in cab monitoring doing 105ks.
Aug 24, 4:30am
If i had a boss that treated me like that i wouldnt work for him/her thanks.
Aug 24, 4:54am
The 100KPH speed limit sign on the back of a tour bus usually means that it was imported from Australia. They have mandatory 100KPH speed limiters fitted to heavy vehicles over there. In NZ we have a 90KPH speed limit, but speed limiters aren't required. Some truck owners have speed limiters fitted to their vehicles, eg Fonterra. Most late model cars have speedos that read 5-8KPH high, so if you are cruising at 100 on your speedo you could actually be doing only 95.Many trucks and buses will cruise at 100 and pass you.
Aug 24, 5:03am
Our fuel tankers are limited to 90kph, with a 5k tolerance. Go over that and you get a talking to
Aug 24, 5:10am
yeh thats what i mean the 5 k tolerance and it really gets to me,that at 98ks the cops will pull me over but the cars speed by me as if im standing still and dont seem to get looked at. although one guy yesterday in a lexus coupe was low level flying and overtook me as if i was standing still down by glen murray yesterday but i overtook him at champion dragway.sitting there while the cop would of crawled all over him
Aug 24, 3:33pm
um BS about ozzy, the simpley DO NOT.
You'll find euro trucks go in for having computer aided limiters a lot more, and a few american trucks, but there really more euro posing as amserican do also. but that statement that in australia its mandatory, is BULLSHIT my friend. either that or a lot of operators are smart enough to tear them out and re-flash there computers. which i doubt.
Aug 24, 4:09pm
I think in Europe or England speed limiters are mandatory but dont quote me, I remmember reading in a European trucking magazine about how some drivers had been caught overriding the speed limiter by placing a magnet on the gearbox somewhere. They change the rules and regulations for trucks in NZ every week so I wont be suprised if we get them soon, and electronic logbooks. The new rule about RUC which came in on Aug.1 has really cost some companys running light weights alot of money, one guy I know had to put his rate up 20% to cover the cost of the new RUC system, so we should all expect to see the cost of EVERYTHING rise again as trucking companys recover the costs. Cant wait to see what the gummymintdo to them next. When I read the link in post #13 they say "20% of fatal crashes involved commerical vehicles" yet when you read other stats about truck crashes you will find only 10% of crashes that trucks are involved in are caused by the truck driver. They failed to mention that in the link, typical gummymintscaremongering bu115hit.
Aug 24, 4:12pm
9O K as has been said is the law, bus,s included. Anything over that can void your insurance, hence so many HMPV,s being limited.
Aug 24, 4:24pm
This vid shows a truck apparently doing more than 100 kmh in Aus.
All heavy motor vehicles 90kph other than school busses which are still restricted in most situations to 80kph while displaying school signs. The industry along with police and MOT agreed to a 5kph tolerance when the limit for trucks towing trailers raised from 80-90kph therefore any heavy motor vehicle exceeding 95kph can be ticketed.
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