Break noise

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extrayda, Aug 23, 4:47am
glazed rotors!

pnh4, Aug 23, 4:51am
Spells perfectly that time *checking the dictionary on the computer & asking 8 yr old how to spell assembly*

fryan1962, Aug 23, 4:54am
What happens if he breaks the brakes!

johnf_456, Aug 23, 4:56am
Geez just a simple typo, very easy to make especially with dyslexia.

friendly_prawn, Aug 23, 5:01am
I thought I heard a rodent squeaking! Any one else hear it!

jmma, Aug 23, 5:04am
Rodents, weasels all the same, yeah I heard it (o:

friendly_prawn, Aug 23, 5:12am
thems the braakes man!

pnh4, Aug 23, 5:15am
Its DEMS DA BRAKES, geezzzz

mugenb20b, Aug 23, 5:17am
No John, not a typo at all. The word was spelled correctly, but used in the wrong context you see.

Now, if OP was dyslexic (which seems to be the excuse you often use for stuffing things up, rather than just telling the truth), then I'd expect the word 'brakes' to be spelled something like 'barkes'.

johnf_456, Aug 23, 5:19am
If you knew what dyslexia is you would understand and yes I do suffer it. SO it is not an excuse, often what you think and write can be 2 very different things.

No need for name calling either.
This may help

mugenb20b, Aug 23, 5:24am
Calling you 'John' is not name calling and thank you for the article you posted.

magicmat, Aug 23, 5:39am
Watch it, you could find yourself getting a TM warning for daring to comment to the poster.

hijacka, Aug 23, 5:44am
A++ All you need is to pop each pad out clean the back and apply anti squeal to the back surface accordingly(wear the caliper piston seats) install and away you go. Just a side note that even the best brake pads will squeal and price difference has nothing to do with it! I run brandnew zenolli DDS Disc Rotors all round with recond brembo calipers fitted front and rear with N35S endless pads(pads worth over $400per set) and they squeal real bad without anti squeal! Couldn't drive the car without anti squeal as the noise was that bad and thats when they were all brand new!

ianalice1, Aug 23, 4:07pm
Thanks again, those with proper comments.
Last time I went in, they disassembled all the break components. De-Glazed, the pads and rotors, on all 4 wheels.
Today, when we go out, will tell me if yesterday was better.
Report back, after lunch.

kazbanz, Aug 23, 4:24pm
OP IMO entirely.
You say the pads look good as new after 18 months use. That rings alarm bells to me. Either You don't use the car much which may have imbedded rust in the pads or possibly the pads have glazed OR the compound is just too hard.
In my mind I kinda ruled out lack of lubricant because the brakes were fine for a few months

rob_man, Aug 23, 5:05pm
Give up, I have a fence post that is less obtuse.

kazbanz, Aug 23, 5:38pm
you use the word obtuse--you KNOW the word you would rather use

ianalice1, Aug 23, 10:18pm
Well we went out, this morning and only had one little squeak, as we approached the letter box. We have a long driveway, about 100 or so meters after letter box we we meet the road and no noise after the 1st small ish one.
Yes, as I think I reported earlier, we do have problems with glazing on the pads.
Been told, that's my fault, as I don't use brakes/breaks much, I use engine breaking, or slow down.
Lets hope we over that problem now.

therafter1, Aug 23, 10:31pm
Well there ya go, after all that it fixed itself !

jmma, Aug 23, 10:50pm
Oh, the squeal maybe from the engine breaking then (o:

ianalice1, Aug 24, 12:32am
Nah, I took her (car) back yesterday and they had another look.
Lets hope they fixed it.

cowlover, Aug 24, 4:06am
I think the brakes were broke but now they fixed.

gammelvind, Aug 24, 4:15am
Useing engine braking is fine, but too much of it from too high a revs could lead to engine breaking.

ema1, Aug 24, 5:13am
Yep when anything "breaks" often noise will be a factor. Hhhh Hmmm.