Diesel with inconsistent odometer?

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biggles001, Aug 14, 6:53pm
What does this mean to a potential buyer!

mm12345, Aug 14, 6:53pm

Edit - no that's probably a bit unfair, but it's a good indication that the owner's disconnected the speedo to avoid paying RUC.
So treat the car/4wd as if it's done a million km, price accordingly, get everything possible checked before parting with any money.

splinter67, Aug 14, 6:54pm
The speedo has been disconnected to avoid rucs like lots of them have

kevymtnz, Aug 14, 7:04pm
thats why diesel should be hit at the pump like $2.50/L and ditch ruc
heavy users should be only ones allowed reduced price

biggles001, Aug 14, 7:14pm
Carjam report said it was 100 k's out. Should I still be concerned or would that be reasonably accurate!

mm12345, Aug 14, 7:25pm
That's going to be a guess.If you're keen on the vehicle, get it checked by a specialist mechanic who knows the vehicles, and probably also knows some of the tricks used to disguise high mileage.
You're going to want the full going over - by an expert - not a mate or local mechanic who works on petrol cars.
A $10,000 "bargain" diesel might seem to run fine, but have $15k worth of maintenance pending.Treat it as if you're buying an old porsche, the costs could be about as high, a good one will go forever (well not quite, but.) and a bad one will be one of the worst purchase decisions you could ever make.
You already know for certain that the seller (or previous owner) is dishonest.

biggles001, Aug 14, 7:26pm
thanks for comments . would AA check be suitable!

mm12345, Aug 14, 7:28pm
Probably not IMO - what is the vehicle!

biggles001, Aug 14, 7:36pm
Isuzu Bighorn 95

mm12345, Aug 14, 7:43pm
Then I'd probably take it to a diesel specialist who works on 4WDs.Someone else might be able to suggest who to go to in your area - or sign up at http://www.offroadexpress.co.nz/ and ask in the Isuzu forum there.

biggles001, Aug 14, 8:52pm
thanks for your help :-)

kcf, Aug 14, 9:39pm
Find a specialist 4x4 workshop if you possibly can to inspect the vehicle.A friend of mine had one of those and it turned into a grenade on him . but, we're of the opinion that it was because he was rough as guts with it!

Definitely not an AA check.

biggles001, Aug 14, 9:45pm
Is it quite standard for diesels to have inconsistent k's!Most that I have checked on carjam have warnings on them.its kind of putting me off lol

mrfxit, Aug 15, 6:18am
100km's out.WHOOO HOOOO

100,000kms out . maybe different story.

Either could EASILY be a wof inspector error

pollymay, Aug 15, 9:58am

Almost every single generator, tractor and a bunch of other heavy industry runs on diesel. Besides which it will make zip all difference to you as the end user. Besides which I know people that skip out on the petrol tax through other means, namely one I know that has a commercial fishing business he reclaims tax back through. There is no 100% way to get everyone and in the end I don't care either, the very vast majority don't actually cheat it, those that do can often be hit with fines so hefty it would make your eyes bleed, think thousands of dollars.

1coppertone, Aug 15, 1:39pm
thats all very true but if you want to inspect speedo for yourself just have a look for any missing screws that hold speedo in place and look at the numbers and see if they are all gauged up nicely in a straight line. look for any signs of forced interference marks between the gaps of the numbers. if it has been frequently tampered with the gaps between the numbers start looking like feathered edged tyre's. its surprising what even an untrained eye can pick up right down to spotting a few dusty odd fingerprints in the most unlikeliest of places! lol

fryan1962, Aug 15, 2:09pm
how does car jam work out what your klm should be! If vehicle goes from an owner who uses it all the time,To an owner who just uses it to pull the boat then klms would drop

rob_man, Aug 15, 3:01pm
I have one on hold at the moment and it's been idle for six months, I guess that will look a bit suspicious to some overly zealous type of person when I finally get around to selling it.

intrade, Aug 15, 3:05pm
could be a typo on carjam you just have to look if it went back up. also all old non efi diesel are tempered with in some form of there live unless it is a one ownercarjam has a statistic from its last wofs odoreading and calculates where you would be taking these old figures to accumulate. wont be accurate if you put it on hold for example.

biggles001, Aug 15, 6:58pm
of the few that I have looked into on carjam the speedo has had a decrease in Ks . but yes I see now that there are other possible reasons for the decrease.

mrfxit, Aug 15, 7:09pm
Inspector typos are VERY common adding 1000km /20,000km & even 100,000kms to a speedo

mrfxit, Aug 15, 7:10pm
Also if when inspected, it can be hard(when in a hurry) to miss read numbers that are halfway to rolling over

mrfxit, Aug 15, 7:31pm
Fixed typo

bjmh, Aug 15, 8:27pm
always amused me when Joe public was jumping up and down about clocked jap imports.kiwis have beendisconnecting speedos since Adam rode a harley .i've just done a w.o.f inspection on a diesel ute,surprise,surprise the speedo wiring has fallen off the sender.Reconnect for the w.o.f and i bet it falls off again to-morrow.The latest b/s we have been given is R.U.C factsheets to give to W.O.F customers if their R.U.C has expired.

trader_84, Aug 15, 9:56pm
You get a letter from NZTA that starts with 'When your Toyota Luxy rego No blah blah was inspected for a WOF on 24th of . It goes on to tell you when you bought your last lot of RUC . blah blah. The it goes on to remind you of a big fine awaiting you for failure to comply with the law. And its all headed by a letter head containing the phrase 'IMPORTANT Outstanding RUC' A pox on their house. I got one of these in the mail due to the mechanic reading my meter wrong. When I got the first letter, I did what any Luxy driver does - ignored it and hoped it would go away. Another pox on their house. 2 weeks later I recieved another letter telling me of the first one and saying there had been no record of any movement by me to correct matters. I was onto the phone in a blink. Then I was onto the phone to the garage. In a couple of days time after that - I was onto the NZTA again and asking for the person by name that I spoke to a few days earlier. When I got him, he confirmed that the gargage had made contact and all was sorted. My speedo cable has fallen off before also - due to lack of maintenance. But I always check to make sure my rough little luxy is of WOF standard prior to going for one.