Vx commodore berlina rear end lights boot leak

inkapuka, Aug 14, 5:33pm
have noticed the rear light has moisture in it. i opend up the boot and a whole lot of water dripped out from the inside ill add pics soon

dave653, Aug 14, 6:41pm
Could be condensation. Our VN has the same problem, I've taken the rubber bungs out of the floor. Apparently Commodores have a factory issue with water getting into the tail lights, I'm forever changing bulbs, but now using a smear of Coppercoat on the new ones.

inkapuka, Aug 14, 6:54pm
its more water i washed the car through the jet carwash and opend up the boot straight after and lots of water dropped out from where lights plug into
on the inside

hopie, Aug 14, 9:58pm
common problem with the seals (rubber) between the lights and the body. do the bolts up to tight (that hold the lights in) and the rubbers bend out creating a small gap. too loose and it leaves a gap.

treachug, Aug 15, 2:10am
The factory fix was a boot lamp & reflector seal kit. Consisted of thicker foam seals for the holes including flat rubber washers for the studs & a new strip for along the top of the reflector panel. Unfortunately this is now obsolete.all you need to do is unbolt, either make up new gaskets out of medium density foam strip & maybe even lightly smear surfaces with acid free rtv or similar (NOT your normal red gasket sealer) and tighten up nicely - as mentioned above not too loose or not too tight.

inkapuka, Aug 15, 2:18am
I just used glass clear sellys gap filler stuff between the rubber and the lights only time will tell ifit has worked

hopie, Aug 15, 5:58pm
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