Bought a 16 year old car last week from a registered trader and it drips a few spots every time I drive it. Have to put a mat under it to not stain the driveway. My mechanic says it's the crankcase seal and will cost quite a bit to fix. Dealer says nearly all 16 year old cars drip oil and won't help me. I didn't get a pre purchase check when I bought it, so is there any come back under the consumer guarantees act! Is a small oil leak on a 16 year old car of 'acceptable quality' if it's a major to fix!
Dec 13, 10:15pm
If it doesn't leave drips on the driveway and doesn't go below the low mark on the dipstick between services I would say it is acceptable. If it leaves anything on the driveway or uses enough to put the engine at risk then I would take it back.
Dec 13, 10:21pm
A leak like this would not be acceptable in a 2-5 year old car. but 16 years old, that is getting on, its almost as old as mine which goes through a litre of oil every 8-900 kms. What is the mileage! How much was the car!
Dec 13, 10:29pm
Honda CRV 160K's. Paid $5000 for it. Otherwise in excellent condition inside and out.
Dec 13, 10:31pm
Registered trader! Through Trade me or in the real world!
Was any warranty implied or was it as is where is!
More information will get more responses.
Dec 13, 10:34pm
At $5K I probably would expect that to be fixed, mind it depends how much oil its using. If its using as much as mine which has done 250K's then I'd definitely want it fixed at that price. If its only a few drips and its not using more than a litre every 3-5000 k's then just put a drip tray under it, they're 30 bucks or so at Repco
Dec 13, 10:35pm
Reg trader, as stated. Not an auction sale, but from trademe as a classified listing. No warranty. I am of the understanding dealers cannot sell 'as is where is' unless it's an auction!
Dec 13, 10:44pm
If it's 16 years old but only done 160k, it may have spent a long time not being driven and allowed oilseals to dry out/shrink. Without a warranty, you have no case.
Dec 13, 10:48pm
The only car I have owned that dripped oil cost me $500 ('93 toyota camry) but still annoyingas it was a constant clean up on the driveway, so imagine if you park in the same car park at your workplace!If I had paid $5000 I would expect it not to drip any oil, personally I would take it back to the dealer as chances are it may get worse.
Dec 13, 10:54pm
The CGA is a very grey peice of legislation. And it is arguable weather it is acceptable or not. The CGA takes itno account the age of the vehcile as well as the price. There is no definate answer to your question. But to my mind a few small drips would be acceptable for a 16 year old car. However the oil could be coming from a number of places and some might be a very easy fix. Has the dealer who sold it to you offered to at least look at it for you!
Dec 13, 10:56pm
My 16 y.o. car doesn't leak a drop.
As for 'crankcase seal'. there are 3 seals that spring to mind. Sump gasket, front or rear crank seal. Care to clarify which!
Dec 13, 10:57pm
I would consider it acceptable though given the age. Seals perish with age.
Dec 13, 11:00pm
i have a car thats 24yrs old 320k kms and goes oil change to oil change with out needing a topup but if yr honda is visually dripping oil it should not have a WOF
Dec 13, 11:20pm
jgoater- Ok number 1 -I AM a dealer and I sell a fair few older cars. NO an oil leak is NOT acceptable --PERIOD.A crank end seal leakis just going to get worse. My BIG concern is that there are TWO crank end seals (go figure) ONE is not a big worry for the moment mechanically but the other end will be leaking directly onto the cambelt. Now that IS a big concern because oil and rubber don't mix well and could cause early cambelt failure.-VERY expensive to repair. The dealer will be well aware of this. You DO have to give the dealer to oppertunity to rectify the issue or to refund your money. I would recomend you send a wrighten request to them by e mail or snail maiol to repair the oil leak and get their refusal in wrighting. You then have clear grounds for a case under the CGA/SOGA A "little" leak that will cost about $500 to fix is hardley a "small" repair in my view
Dec 14, 12:09am
sorry I will rephrase slightly. THIS oil leak is unacceptable.An example of where its acceptable for the age would be a light build up on a rocker cover gasket, or perhaps a power steering resevoir hose end (where the clip is) Basicly ifleft unrepaired it will cause a major mechanical issue in the future then its not acceptable -I feel this is DEFINITELY the case here
Dec 14, 1:19am
Jesus - you guys earn your money
A 16 year old anything should leak
Dec 14, 1:42am
Age is relevant on oil leaks one of the cars here is a early 80's and with 250,00km and it does not leak one bit. So to just oh cause its x year does not mean its okay. But as above give the dealer the opportunity to rectifier it.
Dec 14, 1:43am
Just because it leaks oil like that does not mean its a wof fail, however if it was leaking oil on the exhaust then it would be a different matter.
Dec 14, 4:04am
dirty :)
Dec 14, 4:13am
The MR2 is 20 years old. Replaced cam seals, crankshaft seal, valve cover gasket, and she still leaks!
Dec 14, 3:05pm
Its when they stop leaking you need to worry.
Dec 14, 3:08pm
Drippinga "few spots"is hardly a fail that could be applied under the CGA. The CGA is basically to cover items that are not fit for purpose or dont work properly. Its hardly the case in this instance
Dec 14, 3:12pm
I had a sister who had this happen. Asked me to change the oil as it was running funny. She did mention at least it stopped leaking oil tho. Sump plug out. . Well At least I had no wast oil to get rid of
Dec 14, 4:48pm
Nope sorry dude I don't agree. Its the LOCATION of the leak that is the concern. Basicly its like a blown head gasket as far as I'm concerned. heck if it was the sump gasket weeping a bit I might think differently but crank end seal is more serious than that. And I bet the "few drops" that are being seen are only a bit of the amount that is leaking whilst driving.
Dec 14, 5:50pm
Did you spot the oil leak at purchase! Was there a new WOF at purchase ! How many KMs have you done since purchase! Was the dealer a franchise dealer or did he have a car yard or did he operate from home!
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