Who went for a drive today

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bellky, Aug 11, 4:31pm
I'm watching, but getting bored waiting.

bellky, Aug 11, 4:31pm
Pathetic isn't it. Sorry.

splinter67, Aug 11, 4:33pm
No he insulted my baby

bellky, Aug 11, 4:35pm
Did you really get hurt feelings about your 55 Chev!

Farout lol if you did.

splinter67, Aug 11, 4:39pm
That because I have one dud unlike you and your falcon with a trim package your hairdresser car and possibly the worlds worst 4x4 ever made or dont you have any of these just a pink lada

bellky, Aug 11, 4:40pm
Land Rover Discovery is the world's worst 4x4! Really!

I reckon it's awesome.

splinter67, Aug 11, 4:42pm
Have you driven a 4x4 dud

pebbles61, Aug 11, 5:42pm
Oh dear lol, this thread started off so nicely!

bellky, Aug 11, 6:53pm
Orh brew wots dat winsor! Yous shud take it to da port road drags bay.

3tomany, Aug 11, 6:56pm
yip windsor van club is doing some drags soon so will test it then but carbie needs some work first it stutters of the line unless i get it real hot first

bellky, Aug 11, 6:58pm
Mean as, I should have said XE! too. I love the drive to the lakes. Wish I was you this arvo if you go. Word.

3tomany, Aug 11, 7:01pm
sexyxe and shes as good on the inside as out. suns shining today and shes been in the shed for a few weeks so prob will go

splinter67, Aug 11, 7:01pm
Cool ride Id take mine out again today but its raining here Ive got traction problems in the dry not keen on trying it in the wet

3tomany, Aug 11, 7:06pm
i know what you mean but i dont drive in rain much because logging trucks dump to much mud on our roads and its a mongeral cleaning around engine

splinter67, Aug 11, 7:12pm
Mines not a show car its been built for racing on the strip but cleaning round the engine is easy just tilt the front easy access

bellky, Aug 12, 12:59am
Is it road legal! You're making it sound like a bit of a heap to be honest splinter67.

3tomany, Aug 12, 4:42am
i did go on that cruise the lakes were dead not a soul to be seen but good weather and i did the planet a favour by getting rid of some more fuel lol

richardmayes, Aug 12, 4:55am
Getting back to the original question. my six cylinder toy Triumph is still years away from being back on the road but at least I got to take the mighty Laser GL for a squirt today. Chaffers vege market, then work for a few hours, then back home the long way around.

It's not a car that impresses anyone. but it is a lightweight rev happy little car, with a proper manual gearbox and a proper manual steering rack, and no wife or kids in the back, and I was happy.

bellky, Aug 12, 3:01pm
Haha richardmayes taking the Laser GL for a 'squirt' hehe.

splinter67, Aug 12, 3:28pm
Good on you Richard at least you went out for a drive more than some on here did

3tomany, Aug 12, 4:13pm
cool its all about the fun

pollymay, Aug 12, 5:02pm
I took the 75 suzuki out yesterday. The warrant and rego ran out 35 years ago so naturally I flew along holding a screwdriver turning the mixture screw on the carb after getting it all fired up. Then took it to the beach and did some riding through the mud, through the sand then back up onto the beach much to the disgust of some local residents.

Might register it for the road I enjoyed it so much and it's running so sweet. It can get where bigger bikes can't because I can lift it, which basically means you get stuck much further into the middle of nowhere.

edangus, Aug 12, 5:46pm
I took the new to me 300C SRT out yesterday. I must say I found it very impressive (my first real drive in it). Finally an American Brand that goes around corners!

Nice job Daimler Chrysler.