Nissan largo wont start and beeps

snapperitup, Sep 2, 8:55pm
Ignition lights come on and when turn key to start wont turn over just beeps plaza help

peja, Sep 2, 9:08pm
Sounds like sick battery - enough power to light up the dash and ancillaries, but not enough to turn starter. Failing that if its an auto the ignition lockout sensor might be faulty/sticky, try moving it in and out of Park a couple of times, see if that helps.

snapperitup, Sep 2, 9:33pm
Hi thanks for suggestions ive tried that a couple of times for the last hour or so and it still not happening. But thank you anyway.

snapperitup, Sep 2, 9:43pm
Does anyone know where i will find starter motor on nissan largo please!

kazbanz, Sep 3, 12:34am
First off--does it have a kill switch!

snapperitup, Sep 3, 12:39am
No it doesnt have a kill switch

NZTools, Sep 3, 12:42am
I'd be checking the battery is fully charged first, before wasting yuor time and money on the starter motor.

Simple test: Turn yuor headlights on, and try and start it. if your headlights dim severly, you battery is knackered.
If they dont dim at all, the fault is elsewhere.

ceebee2, Sep 3, 11:35pm
Easier test is if the horn is loud and crisp, battery is good. can you hear a chattering sound when trying to crank the engine! If so flat battery or panel light dimming upon cranking. If none of the abovetry pulling the starter wire off the solenoid and refit.they sometimes get a dry joint. Being a rear wheel drive the starter is located on the drivers side lower engine. It is easier to remove the drivers seat and extra panel to access.

millna, Sep 21, 2:35am
mine too, (nissan largo) just did it this evening. although it does not beep.

we just turn the key and nothing happens. (although the dash lights light up). i suspect faulty ignition or dodgy solenoid.

not the month for largos.! eh

intrade, Sep 21, 2:43am
kiking the tyres might help

skin1235, Sep 21, 2:43am
nissan had issues with barrel connections at the base of the steering column, tended to blacken one or two of the connectors in the multiplug and then they would fail

sometimes just a squeeze with your hand would get them going again - but if that works even just once, find which connectors it is and replace them, or at least tighten then
2am in the rain in good kit is no time to have to kneel beside the car in a puddle to fix it again, especially while your cook is 3/4 pissed and in a hurry to get home ( insert whatever reason for haste may apply)