Went down to the post office today to put my Capri back on hold for another year and the young guy behind the counter told me " im lucky to get this done before the 1st of October as its going to cost $$$ to put regos on hold " I asked him " how much per year then" his reply was " not sure hasnt been release by the govt most likely be gauged by the year of the vehicle"" This is the first ive heard of this has anyone else heard this!
Sep 8, 3:50am
Don,t know, but as of Oct 1st you can apply for a limited licence on line, thus bypassing lawyers, so if they,re makeing things easyer and cheaper then I doubt they,ll change other,s, but other,s may know.
Sep 8, 3:51am
Somebody mentioned it in another thread.
But I'm skeptical, I don't recall any change in the legislation and I'm fairly sure it would be necessary to do that.
I do vaguely perhaps remember that NZ Post might be able to charge an admin fee though. but perhaps not.
Seems reasonable since you are taking their time, and they have to post you out the reminders etc, but will they let you go longer than 12 months now!
Sep 8, 6:57pm
So 'do it online' costs more - unbelievable.
Sep 8, 7:57pm
Na not really, once people start doin everything online etc and the come rely on doing things on line course there gunna make money out it.Its like electricty and the drive to have everyone get heat pumps therefore becoming 100% relient on power for everything, you think there gunna put the price down for you.NA.
Sep 8, 8:04pm
Yup its control by stealth "soft" fascism if you like. Like in the schools they encourage kids to take soft subjects like hairdressing & tourism rather than maths & science, dumb dumb everything/ one down.This is why I grow & burn my own firewood they can't control that YET. Essentially the state wants control of everthing from what you think tohow you will die & when they have finished with you they chuck you out in the snow.
Sep 8, 8:26pm
So the snow we had last year that was totally out of normal, ie; last time was about 1973, was that a practise run so there is snow to chuck us out in.yes ,it all becomes obvious now that you have pointed it out to me, cheers mate.
Sep 8, 9:33pm
People can't see that these heat pumps are the biggest con since the Y2K bug, you are dead correct. The human race has been using wood/coal/whatever else that burns for energy and cooking and keeping themselves warm for thousands of years and suddenly its the 21st century and the pollution it creates is suddenly a big problem and should be banned!Yeah right, they want us all totally dependent on electricity and screw everyone to the wall with the pricing, and then its pay the price or freeze and starve in the dark.
Sep 8, 9:47pm
^ Yep wait untill the power companies are sold - we aint seen nothing yet.
Sep 9, 1:29am
They haven't posted out reminder notices for years, I know a couple of people that have been caught out like that, the worst one was 2 days out, cancelled rego.
Sep 9, 1:34am
I get posted reminders for mine every year.
Sep 9, 3:27am
Me 2.Its called keep your address info up to date.
Sep 9, 4:24am
they can go sit on a cactus.
Sep 9, 4:31am
It's totally up to date for all of the vehicles I have registered and the ones I have on hold as well. Have never received a reminder.
Sep 9, 4:45am
I'm sceptical of it all to, however heat pumps are really efficient. You can get more heat out of one than energy you put in due to how they use heat exchange.
I'm more against the pollution of waterways and things like that.
1. An exemption application made prior to the existing licence expiring or within the regulated grace period after the expiry of the last licence does not attract a fee of any kind i.e., backdated licence fees are not required to be paid. Given the low dollar value of the cost of the internet channel ($1.04), and that this would be the only fee payable for many internet exemption applications it is recommended that no fee be introduced. . The above is also shown on PAGE 13 . APPENDIX 2 ??
Sep 9, 5:40am
I just can't believe the engineers and the physicists harnessing "free" energy that uses no harmful resources aren't well-published . we had the technology years ago but still don't get funding because of the big bad boys making money off natural resources . ugh.
Sep 9, 3:10pm
Thanks ema1.
So what you're saying is, there is in fact no fee increase really.
Sep 9, 3:11pm
I get reminders on time everytime (3 monthly) for exempt vehicles; we have two at the mo.
Sep 9, 3:53pm
Then the address is wrong or you don't get all your mail.
Sep 9, 5:26pm
Same here I always get an expiry notice for my exempt vehicles just the same as my 2 other ones I use, always have.
Sep 9, 5:27pm
That's how I read it.
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