When did the rule change about cracks in rear taillights!I am now told that my Blue GTZ has failed because not only did the headlights need polishing but also because it has a sealed crack in the tail light and I need apparently a whole new well whatever they have ordered.It has been cracked for agesnever had a problem passing Wofs with it in the past with current mechanic and VTNZ.But have been told that regardless now it has to be replaced due to rule change
I have looked on the LTSA website and all I can find is if the crack allows moisture or dirt in which it can't because it is sealed.
Sep 7, 1:07am
As long as there's no white light showing and no moisture can get in, then it's OK.
Sep 7, 1:10am
Nope no white light, the crack is not near a bulb it is actually just on the left cnr were it wraps around to the side of the car, and it is fully sealed I checked
Sep 7, 1:11am
Then it should be OK.
Sep 7, 1:13am
Grrr how do you dispute that with the mechanic, he has said it is a rule change and there are to be no cracks sealed or not when I questioned him.
Sep 7, 1:15am
ask him to show you the rule change in his little book or ask him to quote the rule change so you can look the number up online
Sep 7, 2:05am
There is no such rule change, if the lamp is sealed up to prevent wster and dirt getting in and whatever damage to it does not affect its performance, or the performance of the reflector if that applies, it can't be rejected, this has been the case for some years now and has not been revised recently. If he won't pass it say you will complain to NZTA. The contact details for doing this also need to be displayed where a customer can see them on the inspection premises.
Sep 7, 2:08am
Interesting, my Honda failed 4 years ago for the same thing, I,ve been had, too late now.
Sep 7, 2:37am
Arghhh thanks franc, this really leaves me in a position lol, I don't deal with confrontational stuff very well and being a girl it is all a little out of my league
I am thinking I will just take my car elsewhere this has totally ruined my weekend plans, serves me right for leaving it, any recommendations on a new mechanic in Johnsonville area!
God I feel so ripped off, I haven't yet paid for the wof so when I go in tomorrow do I just pay for the polishing of the headlights and the failed wof!
Sep 7, 3:00am
Johnsonville! Have you tried AutoStop!
Sep 7, 3:05am
Nope kind of try to stay away from franchises type mechanics and VTNZ, had bad experience with pitstop and vtnz and it put me off.I have no luck with mechanics lol.
Sep 7, 3:06am
Sorry can't make any recommendations for who to go to in Jville, haven't lived in the NI for some years. Would have gone along with you if I was there to get it sorted, or else passed it for you. I'm a long time AVI myself and while I try hard, and am required, to apply WOF rules properly I hate seeing the public being treated unfairly, especially females. As I said you are well within your rights to get NZTA involved, good luck.
Sep 7, 3:10am
Thanks franc I feel physically ill has my last wof cost me $2500.00 (same mechanic) and I am really starting to wonder what actually needed doing of that now.Its not the first time I have come across this kind of behavior from mechanics last time it was pitstop.I have to take a day off work to get a wof I find the experience so traumatic.
Sep 7, 3:19am
Yes I know what it can be like. Good grief what needed doing to cost that much! Did it need large suspension or steering or brake work, or structural repairs and a full set of tyres or something!That sort of expense isn't welcome by anyone at once!
Sep 7, 3:34am
I can't really remember nothing major like that though (all my wof sheets are in a file at my mums so can't lay hands on them atm).It was a ton of minor things like exhust rubbers which were metal and the reason it was missing was the mechanic who replaced the gearbox didn't put it back in but nothing I could do it blew the gearbox on a road trip so was fixed in Taupo (he also broke something else in the brake area didn't cost much to fix).Not much you can do when 400kms separate you. I did ring the LTSA about it but I felt like it was the old boys club and my word against his. But they did want to pass on that my cambelt needed changing and was going to snap and the damage it would do blah blah I said its a non interfering engine being a 4age. (I had had the cambelt changed anyway before I called the LTSA that is how I knew about the other damage but the mecahnic just wired up the exhust and said he would fix it next wof but I had moved so had to change mechanics) Arggghhh see the problems I have with mechanics lol
Sep 7, 3:37am
It is all more than the blutty thing is worth to be honest but I love my car, being a 4age it is mechanically bulletproof and I look after it, if I sold it I would get next to nothing for it and what would I replace it with,I tell people even if I won lotto I wouldn't replace it.
Sep 7, 5:07pm
**update** I have been to three separate mechanics this morning for an opinionand all said it would pass, one got out the book of words and it said allows no moisture or dirt and omits no white light which it does not.There is no damage to the reflector or bulbs.So I guess I now need to go and debate it with my current mechanic.
Sep 7, 5:14pm
Yes you do, bearing in mind of course that you will always get people that once they have said they are right that they won't admit that they are wrong lol
Print the thread and dangle it under his/her nose.
Oh, and consult and print the appropriate pages from here.
+1 Totally agree and be polite as that could make a difference to get the Macho Male to admit fault. If that doesn't work ask to discuss with the manager. If still a no go assure them that you will contact Fair go.
Sep 7, 5:50pm
I feel sorry for you. I can imagine how you feel having to go back and talk to your mechanic. If I still lived in Upper Hutt, I would've issued you a new wof free of charge.
Sep 7, 6:27pm
Well I went down and spoke to him face to face, he said that he would put money that vtnz would fail it,I said don't you all follow the book of words so if this was the case I would ensure him I would be discussing it further with them,and given it is widely known that vtnz were not always reliable and often missed big things while concentrating on the minor things that was the reason I don't go to vtnz by choice and prefer to deal with an actual mechanic shop who I could build a trusting relationship with.He said it had been a rule change, I said not in the last 6 mths and that one of the mechanics that had looked at the rule book while looking at the car and said it was fine, he umm and arrred and said he will think about it, so I guess that is some movement.
Thanks mugendb that is really nice of you lol, but you still wouldn't have been able to pass me as I still require the blasted door handle (flimsy toyota plastic).Although if it had of been ordered when I booked the car in it would have been on the car yesterday.I also asked the other mechanics about needing the car to size the door handle they shook their heads and said nothing.
Sep 7, 6:36pm
$2500 to pass a WOF!
Sep 7, 6:36pm
It sounds to me like your hunt for a good reliable honest mechanic needs to continue.
Try asking others that you know or work with who they use and how honest, efficient, reliable etc their chosen mechanic is.
Sep 7, 6:42pm
Yep I think you're right therafter, its a hard slog, I know my auto electrician is thinking about opening a side business of taking cars to wofs on your behalf, you choose the place but he takes it for you and deals with anything he thinks is wrong maybe this will be a good option for me although I shoudn't have to.
Umm yep $2500.00 and you know what I am thinking now lol
Sep 7, 6:48pm
Yip, you're thinking that you've bin ripped lol
The one wot cost ya twenty five hundred should have been the last one with that dude . or at the very least before you agreed to part company with twenty five hundred with that dude you should have outlayed another WOF inspection fee for a second opinion elsewhere without telling them that another provider had failed you and quoted you twenty five hundred for repair to WOF standard.
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