1997 Escort 1.8 diesel

phillip.weston, Sep 5, 8:30pm
vehicle speed sensor - drives the speedometer.

dajoki, Sep 5, 8:33pm
I think it is cable drive to speedo, off somewhere else on gearbox

phillip.weston, Sep 5, 10:03pm
surely a '97 model would be electronic speedo. it has three wires coming out what looks to be a bevel drive gear box, am pretty sure it looks like a speed sensor of some kind. either that or reverse switch with three wires for some reason! it is manual 5spd right!

dajoki, Sep 5, 10:16pm
Yes, manual 5 speed.cable for odometer comes out from gearbox on firewall side.this hoo-flicky thing is to the front of vehicle.vehicle is european.if that makes any difference.I will go take another photo.

pettal, Sep 5, 10:26pm
if it's got a part number on it= just google that and see what comes up .

mm12345, Sep 5, 10:51pm

dajoki, Sep 5, 10:57pm
Thank you.much appreciated

intrade, Sep 6, 3:13pm
you dont need a reverse light for a wof

dajoki, Sep 6, 7:17pm
I thought if they were fitted they had to work. Would suit me fine if I can just blank it off.

intrade, Sep 6, 9:33pm
i am not sure if its still the case but my nissan safari i had 10 year ago blew its revers light switch and i did not need it as far as i recall the wof guy told me not needed and it did have had a revers light, hence the faulty switch

carmedic, Sep 7, 4:32am
You do not need one for WoF blank it off.