Brake reading wof

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morrisman1, Sep 5, 2:22am
same with tyres, its all in the compound. Although some may try tell you that a new ling long will grip better than a worn Toyo r888 because its has more tread depth

a.woodrow, Sep 5, 6:07am
Why! It's not really a safety issue, just preventative maintenance. Should they make it part of your wof to change your antifreeze, oil and power sttering fluid as well.!

smac, Sep 5, 3:12pm
Absolutely. The council should also inspect your paths once a year to make sure you've sprayed for moss and fungi, all glass should have a big taped cross on it so nobody hits themselves, and under NO circumstances should anyone ever be allowed to actually walk outside without a helmet on.

jenny188, Sep 5, 6:58pm
and a life jacket

snoopy221, Sep 6, 6:46am
Okay.NOW i understand the planet you are on.
Okay the FACT is the brake pad material is bonded to the steel backing by resin.
AND when the thickness is insuficcient to absorb the heat generated by braking the resin ITSELF can fail-
Wof check was done 6months ago. Brake pads done 8 weeks ago. Readings on todays inspection were nearly the same as before brake pads done

Quotegydy (803 )4:48 pm, Wed 5 Sep #22
Advice please. Last wof 6. mths ago readings were F 280/290 B 230/240 stated rear brakes pads low
Make sense NOW!

nzdoug, Sep 6, 1:00pm
Unbalanced tyre pressure can throw off brake readings.
Check pressures pre wof or cof