Just took one for a test drive (1993 model) and it drove really well.Really tidy car that has been regularly serviced and has brand new warrant.Drive was 15 minutes and when we got back, popped the bonnet and a black hose was really hot and the engine was hot.Temp gauge never moved so just wondering if this is common for this type of car.Am going to get a mechanic to look at tomorrow but just wondered if anyone here had any thoughts.Cheers.
Sep 9, 2:50am
Oh no! When a black hose is hot, that is a huge problem, Were there any hot blue ones!
Sep 9, 2:54am
Don't recall seeing any blue ones . Am not sure if you're taking the piss or not lol.
Sep 9, 2:59am
He is. Drive your car for 15 min and you will find yours has the same "problem"
Sep 9, 3:02am
You are doing the right thing by getting it checked properly, anything that appears to be running hot but the temp gauge doesn't work is immediately suspect, it could have even been disconnected for that reason. Its also a common trick to remove thermostats completely in cases of overheating. It may of course not be overheating but you need to be sureEspecially being an old Mazda close attention needs to be paid to possible symptoms of head gasket failure, or a cracked head.When they say its been well serviced, what receipts have they got to back that up!Regular service means quite a bit more than getting the engine oil and filter done periodically, get your mechanic to not only look at the general state of the cooling system, but also the (I presume auto) trans fluid, brake fluid etc.These are the best indicators of how well something has REALLY been looked after, any good prepurchase inspection will include this.Hope it works out OK for you.
Sep 9, 3:05am
Thanks.Are you saying that's it's normal then!The engine was hot enough to fry an egg on.Excuse my ignorance please, I know zilch about motors but know that my old Primera never got that hot .
Sep 9, 3:54am
If its that hot the fans will come On, above is correct in saying its a good idea to get it checked out by a mech
Sep 9, 4:04am
Just in case you are not aware. The 2.0 versions of those are absurdly thirsty. I quite liked some of the Mazda's of the era and we had a few in the family. Always found the Lantis a bit of a pig though, mostly due to thirst but there were quite a few things I was disappointed with.
Sep 9, 4:07am
You are doing the right thing asking questions. Its hard to gauge the relative hotness of the engine unless its blowing steam or suchlike. Given the gauge is not working (which you definitely want to fix) and what the car is, getting it checked over by a mechanic is going to be well worth while. BTW, it may not even be the gauge, an airlock in the cooling system could do it, I would also say thermostat could be stuck open but if its really hot that's unlikely.
Just be aware that AA checks and the VTNZ ones are absurdly over priced for very little actually useful information. You will likely find a good general mechanic much more helpful and cheaper.
Sep 9, 11:30pm
Agree with jazz, - people shouldnt "take the piss" because you are asking questions especially if your experience isnt high.However having a mechanic take a lok is highly recommended
Sep 9, 11:37pm
The Mazda Lantis had huge problems with the auto trans clapping out so I would steer clear of those.
Aug 24, 10:11pm
Yes, the top hose does get hot and when you lift the bonnet/hood it's hot in there.
We have had our 1995 from new,a 1.8 and it is thirsty .. actually now converted to run on LPG here in Thailand.
The auto trans, make sure that the filter is changed if you change the fluid.
Ours has now done 245,000kms, one 2nd hand engine and now have just had a top end overhaul on that engine.
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