Suzuki DRZ400 road legal

3108, Sep 25, 2:43am
Can anyone tell me how much it would cost to make an offroad bike road legal!

mantagsi, Sep 25, 2:52am
Cost in this case isn't really the major issue, but I would hazard around $650 for the compliance test & first rego, as thats roughly what it has cost me or thereabouts to get a previously registered (subsequently de-registered) bike back on the road. If I were you I would speak to the VTNZ and ask about what sort of paperwork they are going to want to see to get your bike registered on the system, as I am going to assume it has never been on the register in its life. Seeing as it is a model that does exist in road legal form in NZ, that will make your life much easier, but still gonna be a PITA for you

acecv8, Sep 25, 2:53am
not much for drz indicaters road tyres and a number plate that be the costly bit

countrypete, Sep 25, 3:57am
Call 0800 suzuki and ask for the motorcycle technical dept.They will tell you the ins and outs.

acecv8, Sep 25, 4:47am
and some wing mirrors

raymond00001, Sep 25, 4:59am
Just buy a DRZ400SM :)

mantagsi, Sep 25, 5:11am
Nice! But theres a bit of truth here - it would probably be easier and cheaper to find a road legal one and buy it, and sell your current one to defray the costs. It is a hell of a lot of mucking about at great expense for a bike thats never been in the system before

gunhand, Sep 25, 5:13am
Mate of mine had one and wanted to do that as well. He looked into it and wasnt worth the grief.