Will rephrase for the above Tool. 4 door ! 2 Door Large or small!
Sep 22, 4:18pm
I don't doubt that for a second,so have I. but Ive also driven on city streets where the traffic was suburban Hamilton at 2pm kinda heavy (not at all) Yep there are times where the traffic is crazy heavy.I can honestly say though its no worse that the great dauckland carpark at 5.00pm (as an example) -No I'll qualify that --its BETTER than dauckland because the drivers seem to be so much more conciderate
Sep 22, 11:05pm
Browanted to buy nerwMerc E200CDI2010butnot made in manuall so instead bought manual BMW320 D
Sep 23, 12:55am
DieselNot really a car is it! Just a pile of xxxx
Sep 23, 12:57am
You would be one of the dourklanders then!
Sep 23, 1:45am
ceptn my commute is 30metersand if travelling cross town Im usually on a bike
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