Trying to get a new vehicle - yet is seems that most cars that are afordable are autos!WHY!
Sep 21, 3:30am
Sep 21, 3:31am
because they mostly imports from japan and in japan ever man and his dog drive automatics.
Sep 21, 3:31am
Because thats what the Jap market wants, if you buy castoffs from another country you get what they want, not what you want. Although even NZ new vehicles are becoming less and less optioned with manuals now, there are very few people who want or need them. Manufacturers cater to what the new market wants, not the used one. Beggars can't be choosers.
Sep 21, 3:35am
Autos are much better in high traffic areas, much more comfortable and much less hassle to drive. If I was driving daily in Auckland or Wellington traffic I wouldn't consider anything other than an auto. Driveing in most cities in Japan is diabloical, stuff having a manual.
Sep 21, 3:37am
You would get calf pump in your left leg going to work lol
Sep 21, 3:43am
why do you need a manual!
Sep 21, 3:52am
Manuals are much more fun to drive, then you can tow them, crash start them, better use of power over the conventional torque converter sucking your power.
Sep 21, 3:52am
I have driven both - but have only owned manuals.I live in Auckland and travel in peak traffic.I prefer the control that manual affords, as well as reduced running costs. In my driving experience of autos, unless they are over 2L they are slugish!
Sep 21, 3:54am
Sep 21, 3:56am
I agree and yes I drive Auckland roads daily! I get bored of automatics and find they make you more tired.
Sep 21, 3:56am
Must be the olden times autos ye be talking about. Things have progressed since the 2 speed autos. You put a new auto beside a manual in same car and any savings would be SFA.
Sep 21, 4:00am
I don't think so. I used to drive a work vehicle that was brand new - and it was utterly hopeless!Plus it cost a fortune to service.Auto transmissions should also have separate servicing.And that ain't cheap. Auto's afford less control over the way you drive.
Sep 21, 4:03am
have you replaced a clutch on a modern day car lately!
Sep 21, 4:04am
Ive heard this a few times that autos offer less control over the away you drive. Havent heard how yet though. And yes there is still the odd useless auto out there but the whole car probably is lol.
Sep 21, 4:05am
Just stump up with more folding for manual car that you like then, obviously.
Sep 21, 4:05am
I drive a manual commuting into (near enough to) the middle of Auckland from outside (Franklin) and I do admit, I find my manual a bit tedious but I just couldn't imagine going to an auto. I am convinced within every automatic lives a small bogeyman just waiting to cause a failure! If you want a manual for stop-start driving get a small engined car with a light clutch, makes it a piece of cake
Sep 21, 4:11am
Geez ive only ever mostly owned autos and never had an issue with on yet. Bout only advantage a manual has over some manuals is if you have a gutless car you can hold it in a lower gear a bit eaiser. And manual for a race track but most of us dont drive on a race track, treat the roads like one! yep many do.
Sep 21, 4:27am
Doesn't sound like you have been looking at enough Fiats.
Sep 21, 4:29am
Our new manual work vehicle costs a fortune to service, probably something to do with the cost of prime dealership charges. Driven a variety of autos over the years, regular servicing no great issue, sure if if it stuffs out it can cost a lot. But looked after no great extra cost. Less control with an auto is one comment I take issue with. Car control is little to do with the ability to select a gear with a stick, hell you can do that easily with an auto, plus you have the option of not stirring the box. Car control is placing the car in the right place at the right time using the following: Course - Mirror - Signal - Brake - Gear - Accelerate. You will note the gear is only one sixth of the package. On top of that you have no doubt noticed the number of manual drivers who drive one hand on the wheel and the other on the gear stick, not just hand off wheel, change, and back on wheel, thereby actually having less control of the car. Btw I drive 1200km a week in a manual, so don't tell me I don't know about manuals. For a sports car on a track, loved the porsche manual I drove around manfeild, or off road work, the rest of the time in ordinary conditions in traffic give me an auto any day.
Even autos of the same make and model can feel different depending how well the box has been maintained or trashed by the driver.
Sep 21, 7:10am
Manual any day. I gt both btw.
Sep 21, 9:03am
because manuals are dumb.
who wants to sit in traffic pushing a clutch in every 10 seconds!
also easy to eat Mc D's and drive in an auto
Sep 21, 2:27pm
Auto for heavy traffic (had both in Auckland).Manual for fun weekend toy. If I lived somewhere without much traffic, manual would be an option for daily driver. I do agree that a manual gives you a bit more control / predictability.In a manual you will always be in the right gear (assuming you drive properly), you also have more gears to play with for economy (compared to MOST auto boxes).I don't know if manuals are still much cheaper to drive - would assume that is more likely related to the number of gears in both, and lock up converters in modern cars. The thing I don't like about autos in high powered cars is that sometimes you might want to floor it ant NOT have it change down into second / first.I had an R32 GTST, and if you gave it too much gas, it would chop down and spin the wheels sometimes (in the rain, hey it was standard!).Thats why in the 383 chev HQ I had the TH350 auto manualised.
Sep 21, 4:48pm
Yup, driving in Japan, you'd rarely get out of 2nd gear (lucky sometimes if you get out of first). It's stop start stop start all the way to your destination and I can see people getting frustrated with that. Mind you, it's like that in Auckland a lot of the time. I've had manuals and autos and I think it's different courses for horses. For towing, a big-engined auto is much smoother, but for economy and power (especially in smaller-engined vehicles) a manual wins hands down.
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