on my Mk3 mondeo, ive got the top of the tank etc, but cant see how the assembly comes out of the tank, it feels well fixed in ! is there a trick!
Sep 14, 7:14pm
use the professionals
Sep 14, 7:17pm
What!Bodie and Doyle! can't see them being much help. Not to mention getting hold of them.
Sep 14, 7:30pm
Photo would help.
Generally the euro sourced type vehicles have a plastic screw top type system.
Sep 14, 7:42pm
Ive got the screw top lid off, just not sure what method to use to get main bit out, i think its ment to be like a bayonet fitting, but it feels bloody tight, not sure which way to twist it !
Sep 14, 7:52pm
Which part exactly are you having trouble with! The lid, whole assembly or just the pump itself!
Sep 14, 7:56pm
They can be tight, and there will be an 'o' ring in there, so just work away at it. If necessary you may have to see if you can gently pry it up with a suitable object.
There will probably be a locator of some sort as well so don't try twisting as you may break something. I would scratch a couple of alignment marks just in case there is no locator, but that would be unusual, but you have covered your backside anyway by marking it.
Sep 14, 7:57pm
I would guess the problem at the moment is the extraction of the whole assembly.
Sep 14, 8:00pm
I can't remember if it was that year Mondeo or Focus, but one of them does have a twist type release for the assembly. It shouldn't be too tight, and is only about 1/4-1/2 Turn. If it feels like your going to break something I would stop.
If you're replacing the whole assembly, and it definately doesn't twist out . I would use a pry bar and at the end of the day it doesn't matter if you break it cause you are replacing it! Just don't damage the tank.
Sep 14, 9:13pm
There's probably a YouTube video to help with that!
Sep 14, 10:14pm
I'm pretty sure it has a big ring that you turn anti-clockwise. You use two large screwdrivers or prybars. Hold one screwdriver vertical with it's tip in one lug of the ring, then cross the other screwdriver over that first screwdrivers shaft about a hundred mills up, and put it's tip into another lug on the opposite side of the ring from the first. The first(ertical) screwdriver is held steady, and the second screwdriver is now levered around the first screwdriver so that it rotates the ring. The second driver has to be on the correct side of the second drivers shaft of course.
Give everything a light grease as you put it together and it will go together without a hitch.
Sep 14, 10:15pm
im only replacing the motor part, so will be reusing assembly, not much info on google or you tube.
Sep 14, 10:33pm
The motor part is the fuel pump!
Again, which part are you having trouble with! Assembly, securing lid/ring, fuel pump etc
Sep 14, 10:41pm
the assembly inside the tank, its secured to the bottom somehow, I believe it to be a push & turn type fixing, but not sure.the motor part im changing is simply just the electrical component.
Sep 14, 10:58pm
Yup, I have a feeling they were a turn type setup as per one of my earlier posts. The electrical component is the fuel pump! The rest of it is your assembly for fuel pickup and delivery, overflow etc.
Sep 14, 11:00pm
Perhaps it needs a little heat from a small blowtorch to loosen it up a little
Sep 14, 11:03pm
Sep 14, 11:03pm
If theres a tank left afterwards!
Sep 14, 11:21pm
Yeah i just cant seem to get a good grip , or be able to get both hands in there to make it turn. i can see what looks like a locator track on the bottom of the tank & it looks like it would allow a anti clockwise turn of about 5mm, but just want to be sure of what little trick to it i need to do. before getting forceful with it.
Sep 14, 11:22pm
I've used a hammer before to remove one. Just saying, sometimes force is needed! You'll feel how much force you can use before you risk damage.
Sep 14, 11:27pm
found a you tube vid of a focus, looks the same pump etc, was push & turn , so i guess ive just got a tight one, how much push do you think is needed.
Sep 14, 11:40pm
One way of gettin it out, probably be buggered and a bit singed around the edges too!
Sep 15, 12:22am
this is F&@#ng crazy, i cant move it, theres little to grab onto, & not much room to get any leverage. i certainly cant see how i can push & turn together with any force.
Sep 15, 2:02am
get professional help. before you cock it up
Sep 15, 2:19am
ive given up on it for today, will try again in the morning. Ive managed to get a tiny bit of movement, but can get enough grunt on it, it simply should not be this tight, im just jinxed , this shit always happens to me. I dont need a professional, its not technically any harder than removing a light bulb.
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