Well given this has taken 7 hours so far I think you DO need a professional.I'll recheck this thread in the morning if it is still stuck to the bottom of the tank, or else you have ripped the bottom out of it and let large quantities of garage floor cleaner, sorry petrol out of it at $2.20/l, and perhaps give you some detail of how it comes out. It sure as hell is a trick if you don't know about it or else have access to a CD132 Mondeo workshop manual.
Sep 15, 2:51am
the 2002+ mondeo wagon pump will not come out of the hole under the seat.it was a design F*** up and the hole in the florpan doesnt quite match the tank hatch. in the CD132 wagons you have to drop the fuel tank out of the car to replace the pump. my 2002 wagon had to have the fuel pump replaced as the plug inside the tank had a bad crimp joint and it melted the plug completely.
Sep 15, 2:52am
take a picture of it and post its link here !
Sep 15, 3:24am
ive been busy doing other stuff, driving to town & back , warehouse & grocery shopping, etc . but the total time ive spent on it is to long, should be easier.
Sep 15, 3:26am
damn right its a stupid set up, think it was worse in the focus, no hole at all just about, from what ive read. I reckon all cars should have external pumps.
Sep 15, 6:13am
You haven't been trying to remove it with the tank still in place have you! LOL!
Gotta drop the tank.
Sep 15, 6:14am
Common problem, have done a lot of them actually.
Sep 15, 7:44am
That's worrying, an electrical connection inside a fuel tank overheating and melting.
Sep 15, 3:32pm
not really. the air fuel mix is too rich to ignite. way past the UEL.
Sep 15, 3:37pm
In a Mondeo, no worries, in a jumbo jet, big worries !
Sep 15, 4:26pm
got him. little tight bastard, it took alot working back & forth, but finally its come free. now to change out the pump & strainer, which is quite full of crap.
Well i do it latter.gotta take kid to tennis first,
Sep 15, 4:37pm
its what you get when you drive till no fuel is in the tank puff goes the fuelpump on most cars. done a mazda capella 626 2001 and told the owner thats why it went puff . son had driven it empty he said . i told em well give the son the repair bill.
Sep 15, 4:42pm
pump hasnt died completely, just struggling, probably more to do with the strainer than anything, but no sense not changing the pump after the effort of getting to it, & at 260k, its not to be un expected to need to sort the pump out. & yes i have already changed the in line filter, before anybody ask's.
Sep 15, 8:50pm
Woo hoo. Starts & runs.no leaks , now for a test drive.
Sep 15, 10:09pm
all good. guess i didnt need a professional after all.
Sep 15, 10:13pm
ok good to hear.
Sep 15, 10:18pm
So you gunna tells us how you got it out eventually or what, was it just tight, did it need a twist, was there a locator, was there a perished old dry 'O' ring or what !
Sep 15, 10:20pm
Hard case profile pic . sick as a dog lol
Sep 15, 11:20pm
I thought i did mention . yes it was twist out, & yes just my luck it was as tight as a nuns.
Sep 15, 11:23pm
yup, Ive heard nuns are a hard habit to break
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