Honda CRv wont start!

ellis123, Sep 15, 3:10pm
We have put in a new battery, new spark plugs, checked all the connections and checked the rotor, but it still wont start what else can we check that might help us get it started! and it has fuel in it.

therafter1, Sep 15, 3:22pm
But does it have fuel pressure at the injection rail when the motor is cranked !

Fuel pump pukerood !

ellis123, Sep 15, 3:38pm
Hmmm fuel pump .sound pricey

therafter1, Sep 15, 3:44pm
Can be . check for fuel pressure at the fuel rail when engine is cranked, no pressure usually ='sfailed pump.

tmenz, Sep 15, 3:54pm
Or the main relay.

ellis123, Sep 15, 3:55pm
Where is the main relay located!

a.woodrow, Sep 15, 4:04pm
You've checked the connections but does it actually have spark! Fuel, compression, ignition, the three basics for a car to go

mugenb20b, Sep 15, 4:04pm
Has it got spark!

mugenb20b, Sep 15, 4:04pm

llortmt, Sep 15, 4:06pm
I'd keep throwing money at the problem LOL

therafter1, Sep 15, 4:08pm
Yeah, they do have a habit of having dizzy probs as well.

a.woodrow, Sep 15, 4:08pm
Ignition modules aye

llortmt, Sep 15, 4:12pm
Just chuck a new one on then aye!
If that doesn't fix it buy an ECU, hell why not buy them together!

fordcrzy, Sep 15, 4:16pm
throw some new tires at it while you are at it just for good measure

msigg, Sep 15, 4:17pm
yea, a woodrow could be right, my partners crv stopped once 5 years ago when she was driving, when i had a look at it I was cranking it and it wouldn't go , then I think i backed the key off a bit because i coundn't see the dash lights up, that was the problem so i started it and backed the key off/on a bit and the thing went fine, so went to wreakers in onehunga and bought a new aftermarket loom that fits on the back of the ingnotian switch. Problem solved, no probs 5 years on.

llortmt, Sep 15, 4:20pm
Mags it needs mags!

therafter1, Sep 15, 4:22pm
llortmt should be here in a second to tell someone to throw a new ignition loom into it as well lol

Might as well replace the rims whenthe tyres are done as well !

therafter1, Sep 15, 4:23pm
Damn, he beat me lol

howz_that, Sep 15, 4:25pm
I rekon it needz a vtec controla yo.

ellis123, Sep 15, 4:50pm
It has a red go fast stripe on it so thats enough mods!
has spark, but I am not sure if the fuel is getting through.

howz_that, Sep 15, 4:58pm
If you turn the key to the ignition position can you hear the fuel pump run for a couple of seconds then turn off! You may have to crouch down near the rear of the car and get someone else to turn the key

biddy6, Sep 15, 5:02pm
Is the cam shaft turning when you crank it,may have broken the belt

guest, Jun 5, 12:44pm
My Honda CR-V 1996 model develops hard start after it attains half mark temperature. What could be the problem?