Mitsubishi Lancer '03 language settings

claire-b22, Oct 5, 2:01am
Does anyone know how to change the language setting in this car! I just got it and the in dash screen is in Japanese. I'd also love to know what the dash buttons that are in Japanese do too

therafter1, Oct 5, 2:06am
Either learn Japanese, or get a translator in and buy yourself a dymo and tape lol

gammelvind, Oct 5, 2:12am
They are made for their domestic market, they don't have a language option.
There is a crowd on here that sell translate handbooks for most cars, that should help with your buttons, either that press them and see what happens.

yogibearz, Oct 5, 12:28pm
jpnz sell books

therafter1, Oct 5, 3:04pm
They are a bit on the high side price wise when the contents are considered. If you want to know where the jack points etc are it will show you, if you want to know have to use the gear selector, intermittent wipers etc it will show you, if you want to know why the remote won't unlock the doors when you point it at the vehicle and push the button it will show you . if you want to translate the information that is displayed in Japanese on the dash screen, it will not show you, and if it does you will have to go thru a process of either memorising the buttons and their sequences, or carrying around the hand book with the translations to consult on the fly every time you want to switch functions via the display . or buy a dymo.

bmwnz, Oct 6, 4:53pm
I had a Nissan that was all in Japanese. All it took to sort it out was about an hour's playing with all the buttons and menus.