Fiddled with odometer

bigmacca, Sep 30, 12:14am
We just got an 88' holden commodore wagon. Its in pretty good nick and we are happy with it. But have noticed someone has fiddled with the odometer, doesn't seem to move and when car jammed has had a mileage drop!!!!
Also seems to show your speed roughly 20k slower than wagon is traveling
Since we acquired the vehicle like this do we change dash! or is it alright to leave it be! Whats the laws and requirements regarding a dodgy odometer!! .

intrade, Sep 30, 12:16am
odometer only have to be accurate for diesel . spedometer should be accurate for your convinience as it gets you a ticket easy otherwise.

bigmacca, Sep 30, 12:19am
ha yeah and its a fairly fast wagon we could both get ourselves a few tickets if not careful! Cheers for that :-)

taipan4, Sep 30, 12:26am
odometers are checked for usage atWOF time

jason18, Sep 30, 12:31am
Has it got different sized wheels on it to throw the speedo out!

bigmacca, Sep 30, 12:58am
nope fronts are wider they are 215 and the backs are 195. Can't imagine that would affect anything. They are R15 with 60 profile.

carlz05, Sep 30, 2:21am
I've had this previously, bought another one 2nd hand, theres speedo specialist that can reset your replacement speedo to the same mileage.Theres one in Akld city, but most major cities have a speedo specialist that can help after you've bought a replacement.

ceebee2, Sep 30, 2:27am
There are a number of different speedo drive gears that can be fitted and are colour coded so simply pull the old one out of the box (Bet it is missing some teeth) and note the colour and get the next ratio to suit.Cannot remember which colour has what ratio.

kcf, Sep 30, 2:34am
might simply have had the previous odo conk out, and they threw a new speedo binnacle into it as a fix (but ended up with the wrong speedo such that it is reading wrong)

shakespeare6, Sep 30, 4:45am
very common in early comms you can get speedogear sets on a certain other ozz site if you get my drift . very cheap and easy to do. Normall find the speedo runs fine but odo and trip don't . they have very soft plastic gearing that fail with age.

thewomble1, Sep 30, 7:02am
I replaced the head unit (speedo, rev counter guages etc) in my car with asecond one and kept the old to show anyone the readings etc. Took a pic of the newly installed one making sure you could read the figures.
WOF requires speed reading not necessarily distance unless it is for a diesel powered car.