i also got chemtech but flashlube is actuarly cheaper 1 liter i got trade from partsmaster for bout 19$ also flashlube claims to prevent seal shrinkage , i know it swells the seals back up solong as its not to late and the seals have cracked from shrinking and drying out.
Oct 14, 1:51pm
Now youre changing your story from some potion that helps lubricate to some potion that swells seals people have been brakecleaning seals for donkeys ages to avoid fitting a $50 seal kit to early injector pumps Modern seals are designed to work with modern diesel fuel and a leaking injector pump is not rooted to use your technical term its leaking and requires new seals not a big job if you even remotely know how to operate a spanner. You plainly have NO knowledge in this field and should shut up
Oct 14, 5:21pm
Are these additives a bit like the old box o' magnets that Brockie used to put under the bonnet of every HDTV car to give it "good vibrations"! i.e. rubbish!
Oct 14, 5:41pm
Its mostly hocus pocus low sulphur diesel has been around long enough now to have weeded out the dungers and anyone with mild skills will have replaced the leaky seals in their injector pumps with modern seals cans of performance tuneup have been around since the modelT Ford and are ineffective compared to proper repairs and maintenance.
Oct 14, 11:26pm
more the enough reasons to add diesel additive in to the fuel corosion of ulsd is another issue plenty on google when you search ulsd problems http://www.dieselnet.com/news/2012/09pmaa.php its like russian roulett not to add any additive you only need one bad batch of ulsd in your tank to cause big damage. not to mention the petrol startions who are under water at times like bp riverside whangarei be the last place i ever get any fuel from.
Oct 14, 11:26pm
more the enough reasons to add diesel additive in to the fuel corosion of ulsd is another issue plenty on google when you search ulsd problems http://www.dieselnet.com/news/2012/09pmaa.php its like russian roulett not to add any additive you only need one bad batch of ulsd in your tank to cause big damage. not to mention the petrol startions who are under water at times like bp riverside whangarei be the last place i ever get any fuel from.
Oct 15, 12:28am
Yeah well I reckon that an occasional bit of diesel bug killer additive is a good thing, but most pumps run for years and years with nothing but an occasional seal job. And if they do happen to shit themselves for no obvious reason, which I've never seen yet, you get a second hand one, reseal it, and it will last the vehicle out.
Just opinion, based on forty-one years of experience in truck shops, road building equipment,boats, cars, tractors, generators. you name it, I've probably worked on it. Pumps still last for just as many "miles" as they ever did, possibly even more.
Oct 15, 12:42am
mechnificentyour what i would call not exactly a moron . if you do some research the problem is like hit and miss part of it is to do with how much sulfur is in the raw oil the more there is the more hydrogen the plant has to use to get rid of the sulfur and another problem is the corrosion issue that happens on some ulsd batches .its a world wide problem. I fix loads of diesel marine old stuff all suffer badly from ulsd fuels. Personally i dont want to take the risk on my tdi vw as i dont like to have the injectors spray out of the direct injector mould and burning a hole in the piston so even it gets chemtech added in the fuel.
Oct 15, 12:47am
Ha, you are a classic Intrade. I'll take "not exactly a moron" as a compliment, and leave you to your campaign.
Oct 3, 9:10am
2001 Hdi - we've taken it from 108 - 157, km's - full service history, change filters, don't run tank low, zero problems.
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