Diesel car won't start in the morning? Please help

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splinter67, Oct 20, 5:04pm
mechnificent wrote:
Actually, just about every single thing that mm12345 said is wrong.

He didn't even read the Op correctly.[/quot

ya might want to read the last bit in his post or are you some amazing mechanic that can diagnose problems without seeing the car like all the rest of the so called mechanics on here

mopeds, Oct 20, 5:29pm
White smoke on start-up usually means leaking injectors, the fuel lines remain pressurised but if the injectors leak the impulse from the fuel pump won't open the injector. My bongo has had one leaking injector for years but fires first pop with a cloud of white smoke, not worth the expense to fix.

mechnificent, Oct 20, 5:42pm
Yes, I'm an amazing mechanic, and can diagnose faults without seeing the car. The thing is to diagnose, with tests and following through systematically and methodically. starting with the simplest things that might be causing the problem first generally.

splinter67, Oct 20, 5:47pm
so how ya gunna do these tests without seeing the car having a guess on what the problem is what everyone on here is doing

mechnificent, Oct 20, 6:21pm
Read the thread carefully and you will see what I am going to do.

splinter67, Oct 20, 6:27pm
I have read it.You are guessing at what the problem is. You cant see what the problem is you are going off a very vague description telling everyone your right when really you have no idea like the rest of us

mechnificent, Oct 20, 8:46pm
Want to show me where I guessed anything!
I suggested a test to do, the simplest test that could explain the problem. Once I hear what that did, then I'll suggest the next step.

splinter67, Oct 20, 9:16pm
you guessed its the pump by suggesting to pump the manual pump it could be a number of things as you eluded to in post 45 the best bit of advice was by mm12345 take it to a diesel specialist read the original post look at the language used its not mechanic speak (no offense op ) offer advice but don't expect to much

mechnificent, Oct 20, 10:38pm
What if it's an electrical fault!
We can diagnose. it can be done.

mechnificent, Oct 20, 10:39pm
Actually Splinter, don't bother, I'm not really interested in what you "think".

carclan, Oct 21, 2:19am
Do not use spray start as the car will become a drug addict in no time - does the qualify as help!

escapelife, Oct 21, 7:11pm
not all glow plugs are equal either repco plugs for 2.5 ford/mazda dont last long but from what has been said OP its more than likelyin the glow plug system

snoopy221, Oct 21, 8:37pm
Sheesh it's still an *active thread*

Reading and comprehension 1 0 1

History of car. Car was great. Then car stood for a few months as it was not needed

sitting. little valve in pre-pump.
anyone wanna bet their left one that poster has pumper up hard and
not back here for a reason!

turbophil, Oct 22, 3:04pm
DidI miss it but has the compression been checked! the fact that it finally starts knocks and misses,blows white smoke are all caused buy low compression would have been the first thing I would do as they are bad for this at hi miles must have a least 350psi to start cold

intrade, Oct 22, 3:08pm
the original poster never returned. its either low compression as mentioned with a can of compression to fix as a joke or its got a leaking fuelsystem letting air in. or its glowplugs have intermittrnd fault and i posted how to easy check if glowers work with finger on the plugs to see if they got warm.