Toyota Japanese Import Reverse Beeper

vijay19, Oct 18, 3:36am
Could you please advise me on how to disconnect Toyota Vitz and Runx reverse beeper when you put your car into reverse on automatic transmission so it doesn't make a beep beep sound!
What wires do I disconnect!

andrea_w, Oct 18, 3:42am
Find the beeper and cut (and insulate) a wire. so, so simple.

cowlover, Oct 18, 5:42am
Why would you want to do that anyway!

mike1345, Oct 18, 11:53am
Can't think of any reasons whatsoever why you wouldn't! Beeps and chimes and whistles and sirens and God know what these days!

Bloody annoying!

NZTools, Oct 18, 12:58pm
Not as annoying as reversingover your, or your neighbours 3 year old daughter

mrfxit, Oct 18, 2:24pm
FIRST you need to teach ALL the little kids including EVERYBODY elses kids what that sound means.
Most kids wouldn't know what the beeping is, in the 1st instance.

Next you would need to teach the older kids to not walk around like zombies with mp3 players jammed in their ears with the volume turned up so far that OTHER ppl can hear whats being played.

splinter67, Oct 18, 2:26pm
Have you ever tried to do this

mrfxit, Oct 18, 2:27pm
Mp3 players cranked right up, KILL & maim an amazing amount of ppl every year.
Probably more then most other distractions combined.

andrea_w, Oct 18, 2:28pm
I think the OP is referring to the internal beeper. wouldn't be audible from the outside!

saxman99, Oct 18, 2:29pm
I think OP is talking about the beep inside the car, not the loud outside warning sound.


andrea_w, Oct 18, 2:30pm
Nope, because I drive a manual. it doesn't beep at me when I put it in reverse BUT I do know exactly where the headlight warning/key in ignition beeper is in my car.

kazbanz, Oct 18, 3:31pm
Get a torch and leave the headlights on with the keys out. Its the same beeper. now you can hunt up under the dash for it

mrfxit, Oct 18, 3:36pm
IF, it is the internal beeper, then there will be a tiny grill on the lower dash panel near to the driver position.
Beware tho, some cars computer systems won't like you disconnecting the beeper.
Do a temp cut & drive the car for a few days & use all the gadgets that car has fitted before permanently disconnecting it.

intrade, Oct 18, 3:47pm
the beeper has a purpose. just imagin your at the lights and your in reverse with no beeper thinking your in drive as that gear is right next to reverse , and then you floor itwhen the lights turn green smashing up the person behind you.

trade4us2, Oct 18, 4:24pm
Is it possible to put a horn in place of the indicator beeper, for the deaf old guy who drives along with his left indicator going all the time! There's a big flashing light that he doesn't notice either.

splinter67, Oct 18, 4:30pm
ya shouldn't have told them that would have been fun to see them come back and moan that the car isnt running right had a mate get me to look at there Hyundai van couldn't work out whyit had no power they had disconnected the speedo for obvious reasons and it was in limp mode

mrfxit, Oct 18, 4:35pm
LOL yea got wise to that trick a few years ago when a mate disconnected his speedo.
No speed sensor to operate the electronic suspension systems/ door locks or abs

splinter67, Oct 18, 4:41pm
With the H1 vans they drop power significantly it wasn't noticed for the first few day because the relief driver was on took 5 mins to fix was funny as

mike1345, Oct 18, 6:03pm
Nah, just learn to drive with your eyes open!

Would a three year old even understand what the beeps are about anyway!

kiwirod, Oct 18, 6:17pm did you get into reverse, did you drive there backwards!