mainly for beamer experts. (I love 'em and own one but am mechanically ignorant). Am looking at a cheapy 323 for the missus amd the auction has these comments.
"Has alternator noise which is irritating but not a major issue. Typical BMW rocker cover gasket leak."
big deals do you think!
Oct 11, 3:55pm
Hmmm. A person who has enough clues to identify that there's a "little" problem or two which might put off potential buyers, but won't fix them himself. It says "run away" to me, but YMMV. I doubt the "cheapie" will turn out to be a bargain.
Oct 11, 4:45pm
bavarian money waster the purchase price is only the down payment
Oct 11, 4:59pm
If that is indeed all that is wrong with it and the price is rightit may be worth buying, but having boughtolder Beemers myself, I think you need to have mechanical, and more importantly these days, some electrical knowledge or be prepared to learn. This applies to any brand of older car really, as paying for any repairs can equal the purchase price quite rapidly.
There are good online forums for those who want to learn to do their own work.
Consider getting a pre purchase inspection done.
Oct 11, 5:06pm
I agree with this.
Oct 11, 6:06pm
Says to me ownertoo lazy to fix even minor faultsso unless ithasFSHdont buy it. Ok forsomeone withbasic mechknowlege .
Oct 11, 6:09pm
Steer clear. Just get a Corolla, and you'll be right!
Oct 11, 6:12pm
neither are a big issue - you should get someone to look at it though - firstly to carefully check if the noise is the alternator, and secondly [a can of CRC and a rag can help] that the oil leak is what they say. Then call an independent BMW place for guide price for repair. BMWs are great, and no reason why maintenance, repairs and parts need to cost any more than anything else [and I say this having owned/currently own. 323i, 328i, 540i, 735i, 734i, 740i, Z3].
Oct 11, 6:19pm
+1 to fiatracer and budgel
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