Why is i30 diesel worth twice a sonata diesel

shorebee, Oct 10, 7:48pm
when same age and mileage

twindizzy, Oct 10, 8:02pm
Technology, looks, reputation, award winning, twice as good looking

shorebee, Oct 10, 8:04pm
same mechanically though i30 is baby crdi engine with same auto, do good looks count for double.

thejazzpianoma, Oct 10, 10:27pm
Both are horrendously over priced, even secondhand. I don't know why people buy them in this country. You are paying "best in class" money for a car that is 10 years behind some of its competitors. Crazy!

Its a bit different in some other countries where they are priced sensibly for what they are.

Now that said. just to contradict myself I do see a couple of reasonably priced Sonata's on here at the moment (approx $10K). Still not a great car and you can do better, but at least priced on this planet for a change.

shorebee, Oct 10, 11:43pm
that is whati meant 10-12kfor a great carhalfway through its life forhalf a passat

thejazzpianoma, Oct 10, 11:47pm
I saw a 2005 (new model) Passat go for under 10K the other day so hardly half a Passat (because we are talking bargain prices of both models here). If they really were half Passat money then they really would be good buying.

You have to remember the Passat is a monumentally better vehicle.

However, as I acknowledged those couple that are 10K are almost worth considering at that. Any more than that though and they are getting carried away.

thejazzpianoma, Oct 10, 11:58pm
BTW, I think it is good to review things regularly and test old dogma's. Things change quite quickly in the automotive industry sometimes.

Toyota Yaris's were my pet hate a few years ago, they wanted twice the money for one of those than a Fiat Punto of the same age and the Punto is the significantly better car than the 1.0 Yaris Auto. (and yes those were twice the price too)

Now though, they are popping up for almost Punto money. Still not a great buy, as the Punto is still the much better car, however they are not the financial disaster they once were. (Depreciation on the Yaris has been about 3 times that of the Punto over the same time).

Funny thing is so many were making a big song and dance about the Fiat apparently going to depreciate badly, but of course they failed to consider it had already done its depreciating. You have to do the math and engage the brain!

Suzuki Swift owners (as predicted) are now starting to feel some of that pain as well.

savanna71, Oct 11, 2:24am
Bla bla bla, Hyundais market share says otherwise. deal with it! Your starting to sound like a childish nut job on a lone crusade.

What are you hoping to achieve, a little pat on the back and a smiley face from VW!