Battery help

plow1, Oct 10, 3:29pm
I've put a new battery in my car and there is no sound at all when i turn the key!

studio1, Oct 10, 3:31pm
Do you get any lights at all on the dash!
Blown fuse somewhere.
Start hunting :)

plow1, Oct 10, 3:35pm
no power at all no lights no nothing :(

jason18, Oct 10, 3:35pm
Im thinking a terminal isnt on properly.

plow1, Oct 10, 3:37pm
I'll try that and give the connections a clean-they look fine though. thanks

thunderbolt, Oct 10, 3:41pm
Did you take the coloured caps off the posts before you connected it!
You would not be the first person to fall for that one.

Did you replace it because it appeared to be flat!
Maybe you had another issue!

plow1, Oct 10, 3:43pm
Yip caps off lol the old battery would not go after being jump started now its nothing when i turn the key with the new one !

wind.turbine, Oct 10, 6:09pm
You say it would not go once you tried jump starting it!
Sounds like you reversed the polarity.
that would have killed the computer along with many other things

gmphil, Oct 11, 2:23am
Blown fusable link when u tryed to jump!