Flashlube for diesel's

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flashgordon_nz, Oct 19, 11:09pm
Just read a thread involving a conversation on flashlube. quick question - what is it and what does it do!

Why i ask, it mentioned swelling of seals - Ive got a bit of a diesel leak in the top cap on the injector. it leaks down into the vally of the V, and down onto the manifold. Genuine parts are Ex USA, and was wondering if it be suitable as a short term fix till the O-rings turn up!

kngfhrt, Oct 19, 11:53pm
just wondering why you need genuine parts when all it is is a O-ring/rings why not purchasing here!

kngfhrt, Oct 20, 12:00am
i've read that thread on flashlube to and it sounds like a good quick fix to me although i noticed there's one of two critics that state otherwise.

intrade, Oct 20, 12:46am
flashlube is a diesel additive its added to the diesel to add extra lube and to swell the seals up. as the normal diesel shrinks seals depending on how mutch hydrogen was used to treat the fuel. they use hydrogen to remove sulfur the more sulfure the more hydrogen is used the worse the diesel will shrink seals and the worse it wont lubricate the injector component. Its why i keep telling since years to use a additive on diesel or pay the price sooner or later.
Do some research the for "ulsd problems "

intrade, Oct 20, 12:49am
buy a liter flashlube and fit a new diesel filter then fill the filter up with flashlube start it for 2 minutes then let it sit overnight so the lube is in high concentration near the seals. then continue useing the product as mutch as you remember if you dont run your tank empty then the lube will be there for longer diluting down over time with fresh ulsd diesel added

intrade, Oct 20, 12:52am
partsmaster sell flashlube i dont sell any of the products you can also use winns edt chemtech is another but chemtech dont states it swells seal back up flashlube does do it i seen it on a clients peugeot he put half a liter in the tank.

geminidragon, Oct 20, 4:24am
hi intradedoes wynns edtmake the seals swell like the flashtube !

kngfhrt, Oct 20, 1:40pm
hi intrade in your opinion is flashtube or using wynns a good diesel leak prevention even if you have no diesel leaks at all! just to use as a safe guard and an injector conditioner.

v8power, Oct 20, 1:57pm
Is there anyone here using 2 stroke oil in there diesel getting the same results!

Reason I ask is from a cost point of view. I haven't bought any additives lately but per tank top up, which is the more cost effective way to go if the end result is the same!

intrade, Oct 20, 2:17pm
yes winns edt and flashlube have it in writing on there small bottles that they do prevent seal problems , and yes its a good way to prevent any problems , you wont need a injector cleaner as these 2 products do it all .

intrade, Oct 20, 2:21pm
i personally would not expect 2 stroke to keep seals from shrinking just like i dont expect chemtech to do it it be adding lube to it but you might actuarly need more from 2 stroke to get the same result and i would definetly not use 2 stroke on new commonrails the risk to take is yours when you add products that are not actuarly made for the exact use .

geminidragon, Oct 20, 2:22pm
i looked on the flashlube site and could not see that it says it swells seals

intrade, Oct 20, 2:32pm
i got chemtech 38$ from supercheap usually buy on 25% off days , then winns edt i dont know where to get that in bulk but its like 15$ for a bottle looks like injector cleaner large pottle .supercheap also then flashlube only seems to be at partsmaster you can buy small doses and i would get about 3 cost 7$ and 6 something trade. 1 liter is 27.73 tradeprice at partsmaster anyone should get trade there when they ask or at least some better price. i pay 18.63 for 1 liter flashlubeyou can refill the small one tank doses from partsmaster with the 1 liter pack after. and keep a dose in the car for when you fill up , as i found it mostly a bit hard to add with chemtech is like a 2 stroke squirt bottle but you would need to pour that in a sepereate fuelcontainer and then pour that in the tank partsmaster doses of flashlube are small enough to just pour in inthe tank befor filling.

intrade, Oct 20, 2:39pm
read on the bottles at partsmaster the small ones have it written i go look for the exact phrase used. seems only winns edt use the words on stopping seals shrinkage read the bottle at supercheap , I know flashlube swells the seals back up as a client poured 1/2 liter of flashlube in the tank of his old peugeot and the pump stopped dripping a day later . and i dont know if chemtech does it as i always used it i did not wait till i have a seal shrunk

intrade, Oct 20, 2:39pm
read on the bottles at partsmaster the small ones have it written i go look for the exact phrase used. seems only winns edt use the words on stopping seals shrinkage read the bottle at supercheap , I know flashlube swells the seals back up as a client poured 1/2 liter of flashlube in the tank of his old peugeot and the pump stopped dripping a day later . and i dont know if chemtech does it as i always used it i did not wait till i have a seal shrunk
its wynns took mea while to google but i know large doses of flashlube do swell seals as per above


Condition Nitrite seals and o-rings

intrade, Oct 20, 2:46pm
Wynn's Enviro Diesel Treatment - EDT

Provides superior rating level of injector cleanliness as shown by the Cummins L10 test
Exceeds CSCA requirement for Peugeot XUD-9 injector cleanliness
Eliminates bacterial, algae, yeast and fungi growth
Offers exceptional lubricity for redcued fuel system wear, particularly with low sulphur diesel fuels
Reduces exhaust emissions by improving combustion efficiency
Improves fuel economy and power
Reduces smoke and engine deposits
Reduces water entrainment and preveents stable emulsion formation
Enhances fuel stablity in storage
Provides superior corrosion protection
Decreases foam tendency of diesel fuel
Condition Nitrite seals and o-rings
Extends life of injector pumps and fuel system components
True multi-functional properties for world class performance

strobo, Oct 20, 2:48pm
There is the problem ! It is an additive butnot a treatment.

flashgordon_nz, Oct 20, 6:28pm
Jut being a bit "over protective" - do the job, do it once, do it right. plus i need to get a rear main seal in from the states so will be having parts turn up. might as well freight the genuine item.

Did glow plugs a while ago - aftermarket ones here were $28 plus gst each trade (x8), Genuine thru the dealership were $32, but genuine ex USA were $21 each inc freight etc.

flashgordon_nz, Oct 20, 6:30pm
I run Proma DT5 as a fuel conditioner/injector cleaner. Flashlube or Wynns may swell the seals! but will it be affected by the Proma!

intrade, Oct 20, 7:05pm
just googled i doubt it will cause a problem when you use differnet additives in the fuel so you still got seal problems even do you run proma diesel fuel treatment!
if your seal is cracked then no additive will fix it as what they do is swell the seals up like the old sulfur fuel used to do.

intrade, Oct 20, 7:16pm
please do tell what seal leaks and how long you used promar as if the seal got brittle before you used promar then it myght now be split cracked and once that hapend it wont be able to swell and seal .what the case is here!. vehicle engine make model and where exactly its leaking

splinter67, Oct 20, 7:20pm
If your pump is leaking get it fixed if the additive works it will only work for a while. Seals wear out do the job properly because you are going to have to replace them sooner or later

flashgordon_nz, Oct 20, 7:23pm
pump is not leaking. its on top of the injectors thats leaking around the o'rings. pulled 2 apart, o rings looked ok, but just not sealing. I dont use Proma on a regular basis - a dose every 5000km or so.

84 ford f100 with an f250 Navistar 6.9 v8 diesel in it

splinter67, Oct 20, 7:46pm
Replace the seals unless your trying to sell it do the job the right way otherwise you are just patching it up for it to fail majorly

intrade, Oct 20, 7:54pm