a question for knowledgeable people on triumphs or motorcycles in general. i have a triumph daytona 955i, Went to take the bike out for a ride this weekend and starting isnt a problem, however when i turned the throtle, it prety much choked itself and conked out. it seems to idle not a problem and revs to about 3 1/2 before it seems to choke. has anyone an idea on what the problem is! fuel injection maybe! a little help would be appreciated
Oct 31, 2:29am
How old is the fuel in the tank!
Oct 31, 2:30am
Start simple, blocked fuel filters maybe. Or soft fuel line sucking itself shut.
Oct 31, 2:35am
the fuel tank would be as old as the bike which is 99'
Oct 31, 2:36am
And if this is the case, a solution to this would be!
Oct 31, 2:40am
New filters and new fuel line, You would be surprised how blocked filters effect things. And old soft fuel lines can get sucked together as well causing blockage. There are a few clever guys on here who may well know the answer. They diagnosed a problem I had within half an hour of posting.
Oct 31, 2:59am
all the reasons why i decided to post on here. thanks for the help and i will certainly look into it as it sucks greatly not bein able to ride!
Jan 20, 8:59pm
Google Fenopy.eu they have a downloadable workshop manual.
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