Clutch slave cylinder / thrust bearing ceased

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tiggles2, Nov 11, 5:16am
Nope - hang left at blue lake - small workshop been there for ever at end of hill - mainly private vehicles but did trade many moons ago on heavy other side of ham
Not MC club - but does ride old triumph - has 8's that are shown,

snoopy221, Nov 11, 5:21am
Not a fulla well known for doin automatics!
Damn good fulla if so

tiggles2, Nov 11, 5:26am
He does some auto's - but think you mean BB - he has shop in Pururu st with V8 stuff - simluar to maintanance and enginering that was.
This one is well know for fixing old stuff and a gun on subaru's - still does wofs
well known in hunting circles

snoopy221, Nov 11, 5:32am
Nev'd noe im.den mybe back wen E had is ole MK1 cordy-LOL
Buti'm sorta goin back a few damn years since i was in vegas
4 sure-L O L
But yeah ya not getting patronised or fed B.S atm
Howeveri m ho Compensation is due to you
Tis just a process.
Interesting point as to what is formaly acceptable to a judge and complies with court rulings re
Print Screen
So where does this *Legal Knowledge* come from!
Is it a field you perchance work in!

tiggles2, Nov 11, 5:45am
No I work in equine world -legal knowledge comes from having no choice and refusing to be screwed over by the government
Had a baby - prem - brain injured in hospital - by staff - there were 13 - 5 died 8 survived - youngest is my child.
Big hosp in Aucks poured out the B/S as did ACC - lets just say an accident happens once maybe twice but not 6 times a day for 32 days in a row.
consequence of action was not accepted and the proverbial under rug happened.
Legal fees went through roof so sat down and did it myself - full govt inquiry - still B/S and ar$e covering (its still not over yet but the gagging orders shut me up - to a degree) but learnt process and what is and is not legal. A print screen is as good as a photo as can't be changed without say photo shopping, where as a copy n paste can be
If you don't follow process as in the fine print stuff - you leave doors open for weasling out
My spelling and grammar maybe poor on here - lazy typing - when working its as sharp as the day is long

snoopy221, Nov 11, 5:52am
Feel for ya K
Kids are VERY heartfelt things
And the *Legal Process* with it's subtelty and lies is a VERY HARD THING
To deal with.
It is SUPPOSED to be a RIGHT to have Legal Representaion to
**Act!** for YOU
Sadly there is more *Acting* than the -For You
Bit like mushroom food and release bearings aye.
And Yip i know-
(Long Story)
One HELL of a long story

tiggles2, Nov 11, 6:01am
Yup very long story snoopy - hence life getting complicated at times
Its on going and one battle that is fought daily.
Nothing scares me as such (phone calls, getting in peoples faces etc) as long as I have my facts straight.
Then I am armed and can and will fight.
Guess this wee mushroom outgrew the B/S pot.

snoopy221, Nov 11, 6:05am
Guess this wee mushroom outgrew the B/S pot.

Well umum
Reckon ya can band aid a clutch wiff a bitta help and a spring off an elecky fence!

snoopy221, Nov 11, 6:06am
Nd yeah if we swapped stories methink mine would blow ya lights out-K
Suffice to state it has been a hard road-K

tiggles2, Nov 11, 6:16am
Lol snoopy - point taken - yeah think outside that square it can be done
Those of us that have lived have stories that most don't comprehend - there are those that live in the soap opera drama world of B/S and those of us that live the road of life no matter what it throws at us.
Time for bed now

snoopy221, Nov 11, 6:18am

tiggles2, Nov 12, 1:30am
Update :)
Called suggested pro company - snoopy can you call same to confirm which snops you are plz:)
Manager a gentleman - professional advise given with a plan put into action
Apart from some **** cutting the phone lines in the street it has been a good day :)

jmma, Nov 12, 1:49am
Sounds a bit more of a positive day tiggles, check post #305 (o:

snoopy221, Nov 12, 2:01am
Good one tiggles.
A Genuine Cold Call.
And the ability to speak with someone WELL QUALIFIED.Yip i will call him tomorrowi might just remind him of the complete rebuild i did on his 450 Mercedes
And inform him of my alter ego-

Post # 214Simply mention Mike ex Central Motoring [alias snoop] as a reference.

jmma, Nov 12, 2:06am
Oopps, I meant post # 214, I put down snoopys feedback number, Doh (o:

tiggles2, Nov 12, 2:24am
lol guys :)
I gave your ref as above snoopy - but he knows of two with the same name from same area hence question :)
It really was nice to talk to a gentleman. He rang me back as not in for first call -He had read my email and already set wheels in motion for the next steps before he rang me with his suggestions.
He talked to me for quite a while in a language that was honest and understanding whilst kind but not sappy.
So yes a good day - oh fixed the muffler and flasher unit so tomorrow back for COF and then to see what Truck Shop has to say - they can take pictures and change that bolt

jmma, Nov 12, 2:28am
That's good, are you going to get them to take pictures behind the fork boot!

tiggles2, Nov 12, 2:47am
That's the idea jmma - pictures and a report.
If they need to drop the box and redo the clutch - so be it (and yes I will keep all the parts) even if the gear box needs work - so be it.
Learnt today how to swap from the indicators and override using the hazards. (yes have replaced the flasher unit) and for once did not get zapped :)

mortluby, Nov 14, 1:03am
Was just lurking and wondering how you were getting on tiggles!

tiggles2, Nov 14, 1:20am
Hello :)
Bearing and letter away to spec
Truck still at Truck Shop - pick tomorrow morning - will update then
Letter to P&S cced to MTA under construction - waiting for info from spec and truck Shop
Sorry not much more to report - and I know its frustrating - its driving me nuts

skull, Nov 14, 1:41am
Guys If I was designing that slave cylinder system I would have the slave cylinder pressing against the housing and located by the 2 bolts and nuts, not on the back side of the housing with every bit of effort on the bolts and nuts only. If it was fitted my way the push rod would be more like the correct length with some threaded rod through the clutch fork.

mortluby, Nov 14, 2:55am
LOL, I bet. Hope it all turns out for the best and you're seen right.

tiggles2, Nov 14, 3:31am
Thank you mortluby :)
skull - have no idea really of how things should be done - but a mechanics face of "holey ***k" yesterday was enough to make me smile

tiggles2, Nov 14, 3:58pm
Morning all
Will be away for the next few days - so limit net access
Truck driving ok - could not really see any damage inside HOWEVER
the clutch is ok - nothing wrong with master, slave etc. correct spring lol put onto fork.
Theory re bearing - maybe a cheap imitation - thye are not quite the same size and IF allowance for movement not correct can and will tip and seize.
ALSO - the gear box
they think a bearing is going as the gears are not smooth and she sort of feels like she is jumping out of gear between 4th and 5th but does not - they have drove her
So wait now for sec report and then strip her down
Your thoughts on replica parts
TIA - have a great week everyone :)

mechnificent, Nov 14, 4:24pm
Even a cheap part should last longer than it did. I still say it was on backwards. did you look at those pictures I put up of Isuzu bearings already fitted to their carriers. the raised side of the bearing faces the pressure plate. I also quoted from a clutch manufacturer that warns that if the pressure plate fingers are flat, you have to use a rounded bearing face, and if the pressure plate fingers are rounded, you have to use a flat faced bearing.

Either way though, whether it's a cheap part, or incorrectly fitted, since there is nothing about your truck that could have caused the problem, the company should have done the second repair as a warranty.