4AGE Trueno Problem! =/

lazz323, Nov 7, 3:20am
I have a toyota trueno 1992 its powered by a silvertop 4age engine, recently i have experienced idle problems! never happend before and just happend all of a sudden. One day (aka yesterday) i went to turn on the car, it was completely dead no power what so ever, lights wern't on engine didnt turn i thought this was weird kind seemed like battery was fully drained but the battery is still new! anyway jumped started the car then when i went to hit the accelerator it kinda lagged and revs droped before they went up! and sometimes idles at 500rpm i step on gas lightly and it goes back to normal then when i tap accelerator at normal idle it idle drops again before going up . anyone had any experience! =(

pge, Nov 7, 3:33am
The dead engine sounds like the battery terminals may be loose.Get them re-tightened.

Re the idle, I thought maybe, stepper-motor!

Anybody else any idea!

Good luck.

lazz323, Nov 7, 3:42am
im pretty damnsure the terminals were tight =/ but yeah thanks for the input will have stepper checked. maybe idle control air valve!

ola_bitchola1, Nov 7, 4:08am
check the idle air control valve they get gummed up could also be blown caps in the ecu

plasticboys, Nov 7, 1:07pm
my 4AGE did a simler thing but it was when l put power up in the engine

gadgit3, Nov 7, 5:32pm
Idle speed contorl valve on the throttle body is a common fault and carbon is the issue. Simple enough to clean out. But make sure it's not a dead plate in the battery or heavy loads on the alternator causing the low idle and slow responce. Charge battery over night check it holds above 12.5v after sitting for a few hours. Rough idle and low idle faults with a bad battery are common also. And just because the battery is new dosn't mean it's not at fault.

lazz323, Feb 12, 3:01pm
Thanks for the input have just brought some carbureter the t body cleaner ;)