I am thinking of getting a VW Tiguan. I am going down from previous Nissan 4x4 diesels (size wise) I want to get a SUV because I like riding higher. I also tow a trailer occasionally from Auckland to Warkworth. The thing is is that during the week I often do not drive much and what I do is around town.but at times through the year I do regular trips.3-4 times a week from Warkworth to Auckland for a month at a time. Are there any problems with not using a diesel for periods of time.I was told (true or not) that it was my lack of regular use that was detrimental to my previous diesel motors! Any advice re this! Thanks (stories like the Fair Go show with the Hyundai diesel and water have concerned me somewhat)
Oct 30, 10:56pm
There is no problem not useinga diesel for longer you have to shut it off warm hot not glowing redhot but operation temperature when you shut it down for longer this applyes to any petrol or diesel engine. Other problems on diesel are caused by "ulsd" and the poor quality of the diesel produced in this country the hiunday would have suffered from the ulsd problem as it can cause bad corrosion. There is loads of studys on the net if you do research. Products like promar diesel additive would have prevented the hiunday on fairgo from this
Oct 30, 10:56pm
I would prefer an automatic.because I am lazy. And what is the reason not to buy from Continental.haven't started looking at dealers yet.I was basing my like of the vehicle from driving my cousins car in the South Island.is there anything else I should be aware of.my initial concern was just re the diesel engine.
Oct 30, 10:59pm
I remember seeing on TV that the "Poor quality of NZ diesel" compared with Europe.is actually incorrect.and what is ulsd!( I was always told that NZ diesel was cr@p but stand to be corrected)
Oct 30, 11:12pm
ulsd is (ultra low sulfur diesel) the problem is not all crude oil contains the same amount of sulfur , and that is what they got to lower when they make the fuel they treat it with hydrogen to bring down sulfur levels . Hydrogen will take away the lubrication and makes the fuel dry . all seals shrink and crack from ulsd fuel . now normally the fuel will meet the minimum lubrication standard etc. but marsdenpoint is not upgraded to the latest technology so if they get cheap crude oil with ultra high sulfur content then they have to use even more hydrogen to take out sulfur and the diesel is then ultra non lubricative and extra harsh on seals. You just have to then happen to fill your diesel with a batch of that fuel and you have some damage to your injection system. be lucky enough to have that happen a few times in a row and you will have expensive repairs , by the time you need repairs you probably already got diesel in the tank again that meets the standard. so you cant sue them as you got no proof.
Oct 30, 11:15pm
Thanks.so now I am even more concerned about diesel engines
Oct 30, 11:19pm
do you need a new car! because if your lazy you dont want to own a european car they dont like it when you forget to service them.
Oct 30, 11:23pm
intrade always paints a bad picture, but for every bad one he sees im sure there are hundreds of ones that have no problems at all, all modern tractors and truck fleets are using the same diesel with no major problems, i have a digger a bull dozer two tractors, a ute and a car all diesel and have never had a problem with the fuel system on any of them
Oct 30, 11:25pm
.lazy driver.not a lazy person.so servicing will be down on time and correctly
Oct 30, 11:39pm
i own a vw tdi i know of the problems egr can cause issues also but that is part of the correct servicing. You can delete egr on new diesel also like its deleted on my tdi with a chiptuning upgrade.
Oct 30, 11:47pm
I have a couple of vw diesels, a mk3 tdi thats done 370,000km and a mk1 thats done 250,000km and a mate has a mk2 1.6td thats done almost 400,000km and none of them have any problemsat all with the fuel system, only my mates mk2 has had problems because of this idiot called dr diesel, dont ever let him touch your car
Oct 30, 11:52pm
http://www.tdi-issues.com/problems-tac69/lubricity-of-ulsd-diesel-gap168.htm plenty of sites from my research i found the states had the issue in the 90s and newzealand is 20 years behind the rest of the world with most things apart from fines and food prices. ps biodiesel is a additive . and adds lubrication to ulsd you can find this on other reports and tests.
Oct 30, 11:53pm
egr! and would everyone recommend chipping one of these engines!
Oct 30, 11:59pm
well what do you intend to do you can chiptune it so it has almost maximum torque at low rpm You need professional chiptuning not some cowboy plugin box that bypasses the ecu . Other chiptuning can be used for lower then factory fuelconsumption. My tdi is a older engine non commonrail like tiguans are commonrail the ones i see listed on tradme 2008 or so. For towing the correct chiptuning can be good with the correct map. They read in and out via the onborad diagnostic port .
Oct 31, 12:01am
egr is exhaust gas recirculation basically feeding the engine its own exhaust fumes back. causing carbon buildup inside intake on any diesel with egr so it needs stripping down and cleaning at some point. Deleting it means it no longer eats its own exhaust gas.
Oct 31, 2:48am
yes i studied the role of the egr on mynavara and found that is was partly to reduce ozone gas coming out of a diesel engine, however nissian also used it to control the turbo boost on it pre computer diesels by using vacume to open it under light throttle pressure and there for reduce boast pressure in the engine and close it when you put your foot down so you get full boast when you want it, i hear what you are saying they need to be maintained to prevent malfunction, mine stuck open and caused the same problems as a turbo failure, however i feel you will get a longer engine life if you maintained the egr so i replaced mine and kept it in the system
Oct 31, 4:49am
Are there any other comments about the Tiguan itself!.and also intrade you never made any further comment re purchasing from Continental
Oct 31, 7:40pm
I have a year old Tiguan Tdi, I have done over 20,000k in it. The only issue it has had was regarding the fitting of the Towbar (done in NZ) and it being not wired correctly. Drives really well, comfortable and while be higher than a car you dont need a ladder to get into it. If you are not doing moderate distances would the petrol Tiguan not be a better option. I understand with diesel you need to be doing over that 15,000km mark to get any real benefit and the petrol tiguan is cheaper to purchase. We also travel some distance to deal with Giltraps in Ak as over the years we have found there service exceptional.
Nov 1, 12:37am
I hear what you are saying re the petrol v diesel.Has anyone driven the petrol and have any comments compering it to the diesel! Like the tourqe of the diesel for the ocassional towing.but I suppose if the towing is only occassional then might make sense to get the petrol with my over all low mileage!
Nov 1, 12:41am
well just dont go near a carfrom there you want one from gilltrap prestige instead they service correctly and even tell you a few years later what was serviced on the vehicle. I called em up regarding a service bill from my tdi bora.
Nov 1, 3:03am
intrade.if you took the purchase price difference out of the equation would you buy the petrol or diesel Tiguan!.taking into account what my driving pattern is likely to be (I know I have to go out and try both to see what I like but would be keen to hear your opinion.or anyone elses)
Nov 1, 3:11am
dont know i cant realy tell you as i would be baised answering that it be the diesel by volkswagen as i almost only own diesel and repair diesel.
Nov 1, 3:51am
That still tells me something.so thanks!
Nov 1, 4:27am
The petrol would be a better buy, cheaper to run, service and buy, also has quite a bit more power than the diesel, the 2l tsi engine is a nice unit and with a ecu tune will see a nice gain in performance
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