VW is looking to return to unit injector pump nozzle diesel engines. These are the wolds most powerfull diesel engine. Togather with continental they now manage without catalisator or particular filters to meetEuro 6 emission. "now we just need strong enough gearboxes to handle all that power " Pump-Nozzle Injection Technology Enter glossary search term Diesel engines using pump-nozzle injection technology are the most efficient internal combustion engines. Each cylinder in the engine is fitted with a pump-nozzle unit which generates a high injection pressure of up to 2,400 bar and injects exactly the right amount of fuel at the right moment. Mounting the units in the cylinder head dispenses with the high pressure lines used in conventional distributor injection pumps. The pressure increase is achieved mechanically. A small plunger is operated by an additional cam on the valve camshaft. The cam is shaped to give the speed necessary to build the desired high pressure fast. A solenoid valve controls the injection timing and the pressure cannot increase until the valve is closed (electrically). The valve's fast closure gives a sharp cut-off to the injection, vital for clean and complete combustion. The result is lower emissions, improved fuel consumption and higher power output.
Nov 2, 2:42pm
Cool, so long as it is reliable.
Nov 2, 2:42pm
sounds reliable and vege fuel compatable, I suspect it could be more mechanic friendly too
Nov 2, 2:50pm
never liked them "catalisators" anyway.Which particular filter does it do away with!
Nov 2, 2:56pm
dont know all the info is still news continental make timing belts for tdi since longer cant find any info in english the news is probably to new its only german motoring places reporting it so far.
Nov 2, 3:13pm
will it need your snake oil!
Nov 2, 3:19pm
probably not no as it will be what i would say fitted with dlc extra hardenend injector nozzle as they would be increasing the injector pressure to maximise fuel economy. i will switch to these nozzle on my tdi when they need replacing also http://www.dbwllc.net/nozzle-guides/pd-nozzle-guide/
DLC coated needles which insures maximum durability and the fastest needle response. The near perfect sliding surfaces lower friction and eliminate lubricity related wear issues thanks to its synthetic diamond coated surface (DLC).
Nov 2, 3:26pm
Meh steyr have been doin that for years. [World don't revolve around vee dub] Oh as to reliability and power-well only marine diesel U S Coastgard use. And only damn diesel ever being prototyped to use in a plane.
development process that was started by Steyr-Daimler-Puch in the 1920s. The STEYR M1 engine is a turbocharged Diesel engine with high pressure Unit Injectors with two stage injection nozzles, providing up to 2.000 bar injection pressure. It is a compact and light engine designed to be operated with Diesel, Kerosene or Maritime Diesel fuel.
Nov 2, 3:35pm
volvo also use unit injectors .vw has had the first direct injector car prototype on its mk1 golf in the 1970s and swiss saurer where the first to make direct injected truck engines.
Nov 2, 4:28pm
commonrail has had problem getting pressure up to 1600 barand 90s stuff no where near runs any of these pressures on rotary pumps . The more pressure you can build the more better you can mist diesel for completer burning of the fuel injected , 90s stuff spray in to swyrl or prechamber to create a burnable mix, its why it wont matter if a injector drips on one of these older diesel , new ones would burn holes in piston if they spray outside its dedicaded injector mould of the direct injected engine
Nov 2, 4:43pm
Also, common rail injection shaping is "binary" - it's either injecting or it isn't.So to get ideal combustion, they inject in pulses, not one constant pulse (that's what old mechanical injection did). This is more "analogue" - as they say cam shaping (as well as binary on/off of the electro-mechanical injector valves) might be able to better control injection volume during the injection cycle. It sounds good to me - and so long as the pump/nozzles aren't too expensive and are replaceable, solves the issue that would scare me off ever owning a common-rail diesel when it's out of warranty - the $15k bill forever hanging over your head - like owning an old Porsche, but much less fun.
Nov 2, 5:08pm
Fact is it's OLD technology-liscensed to steyr in what 1920!
Various announcements from Diamond Air, Steyr Motors and Austro Engines indicate that they jointly attempt to develop a redesigned marine Steyr Monoblock Motor into a 280HP 6-cylinder engine and later a 440HP engine
the engine for the demonstrator already has been chosen, but said little more beyond that it will weigh around 550 pounds and deliver 300 kw of power while burning about 220 grams ??
Nov 2, 5:12pm
Wether vee dub is doing it under liscence-or simply coming out with a version Simply shows that what is now being done with steyr monobloc engines they can not compete with with commonrail TDI Let alone try and run a common rail on kerosine-or heavy crude-or try and conform to emission requirements
STEYR MOTORS GmbH Wins DAME Award 2008 Bill Dixon, Chairman of the Jury of the DAME, presented the Award to the winner of the prestigious prize at the start of METS this morning to Steyr Motors GmbH for their hybrid propulsion system, which allows a yacht to operate in any of four modes. The engine itself can be used to start the engine, eliminating the need for a starter motor. The engine can also be used as a generator to charge the vessel???s batteries. It can be used as well to leave a harbour in the cruise mode under electric power at speeds up to 5 knots. And finally, the engine can be used in the "boost" mode in situations where additional power is required to get the boat onto a plane. The best part of this product is that the additional generator/motor adds only 100 mm (4.2 inches) to the overall length of the engine and an additional 75 kg (165.4 pounds) of weight, yet it produces an output of 7kW at 48 volts. The electric control unit uses CAN bus protocol to monitor and regulate the engine in each mode, thus allowing it to be linked to other "smart" engine controls.
Nov 2, 5:52pm
Blast it Snoops, you been C&Ping again. Didn't have to decipher anything this time ;-(
Nov 2, 5:57pm
Nothing new Volvo and Cat have been doing it for decades. But didn't the Isuzu4jx1 from the 1990shave the same sort of set up eith the help of cat!
Nov 2, 6:00pm
Yaaar Yaaar yaaarrr Tink ya cn uderbestumble dat dis grdam euro da best cap wrn snake oil totinpianoma posse myt hv ta tink b4 dey cum oot wiff dis *new*.sliced bread.LOL
Nov 2, 6:06pm
An electronic unit injector is a bit more modern that what you are describing.
Nov 2, 6:34pm
Try a control rack with elecronic control.
steyr are a bit more robust than the isuzu you mention. And the M1 monobloc is a unique engine-totally diferrent from any other.
Nov 2, 6:39pm
That's better snoops mate, you had us all worried there waxing lyrical!
Nov 2, 8:00pm
mazda has a new high pressure diesel and i haveaford focus diesel that israiltechno and i wouldnt want it to have any more power, itsiinsane liitle car with powershift auto
Nov 3, 12:01am
LOL Snoops, now ya just showing off.
Nov 3, 12:03am
Great, thats all we need on a car .
Huge torque / high revving with a climbing power band from start to finish . AND diesel
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