WOF question.. On a rear wheel drive carcan you reject a wof for split universal joint cup seals the vehicle in question has no
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Nov 9, 12:37pm
On a rear wheel drive car,can you reject a wof for split universal joint cup seals. The vehicle in question has no play in the joints but has slight splits in the seal cups,also no grease has escaped ! Tia.
Mmmm,doesnt seem to cover drive shafts or propellor shafts.
Nov 9, 1:52pm
have known people to get failed, only if grease on brake hoses and brakes, but you dont have this problem,must be short of work
Nov 9, 1:55pm
Mmmm my drive shaft is a long way from my brakes. Lol.
Nov 9, 2:01pm
I had a vehicle fail on steering boots torn but the mechanic noted a cv boot torn but wasn't required to pass WOF. I fixed it anyway as a boot is cheaper than replacing a whole joint that gets full of grit and water.
Nov 9, 2:08pm
I am a mechanic and steering boots are a fail but cv boots are not unless there is grease getting on the brake disks. OP are the boots that are split on the rear drive shaft or on the rear axles
Nov 9, 2:13pm
Drive shaft on a Commodore,no grease has escaped,its 2 wheel drive too . Lol.
Nov 9, 8:48pm
Can you get a WOF on a car that has no headlining ! As in, it has been removed completely . Tia.
Nov 9, 8:58pm
Not disputing expert opinion but sometime ago ball joint boots that were split were failed then they changed the ruling and allowed them.
Nov 9, 9:06pm
Simple read the virm
Nov 9, 9:08pm
Simple,have done. Now depends on the inspector.
Nov 9, 9:22pm
Avoid testing stations - last car got failed on the most ridiculous things like a wiper blade and a windscreen washer jet (passenger side) that was sorted by a 2 second poke with a pin. Waste of my time having to go back in the weekend while there are a million people to get such stupid stuff re-checked. Surely a bit of discretion in the form of a warning it would fail next time! Never again.
Nov 9, 9:26pm
i always go to vtnz - they are the best and give me time to fix stuff like the above^^ on the spot - had the same thing happen. we used a drawing pin from the offfice.
Nov 9, 9:26pm
Yea,if your not happy then dont go there. My car got failed for the first time for not having a headlining fitted,i went to another garage and they said you dont need to have one,so there you go,it depends on the inspector i guess.
Nov 9, 10:48pm
serious.no head lining! my sporty/sundy ricer used to go through vtnz with just the bare minimum of interior stuff.
like Drivers seat, seat belt, sunvisor, handbrake, steering column, half a dash board,3 pedals and a steering wheel etc
Nov 9, 10:50pm
Why would no headlining be a WOF fail!
Nov 9, 10:58pm
I got failed for the same thing. FKN vtnz. 85 corolla, had the roof lining out as I was recovering it, took it for WOF- the guy actually wrote, lining and STRUCTURAL members need to be put back in. I challenged him on this, for starters, what part of a foam headlinging is structural, even if it does have a steel mesh in it. There is no reasoning with those guys though. No longer use VTNZ. Had too many probs
Nov 10, 2:16am
So you all got failed at vtnz,dont garages fail cars where you live then !
Nov 10, 2:21am
I never go to a vtnz been stung too many times over dribble like, structural rust when it was only a dry bit of grease / dirt. But I can't be bothered going on and on.
Nov 10, 2:30am
yeah garages fail too. but every fail I have had from a garagewas legitimate.
Nov 10, 8:12pm
At least withVTNz you dont have to leave your car there for 1/2 a day like garages till they get"round 2 it "even if you book it in .
Nov 10, 8:32pm
Just found out from NZTA that my headlining failure shouldnt have failed,i dont have to have 1 fitted,too late ive got 1 fitted now. But the uni joint cup seals are a definite fail. Got them replaced too. Now to adjust the left hand washer jet,mmmm.
Nov 10, 9:48pm
I agree, legitimate in that any fault failed on could potentially make the vehicle dangerous to yourself or others on the road. Not a water jet that doesnt really soak the passenger side window, or wiper blades that are getting close to needing replacing. Surely a bit of common sense discretion. not the first time I have had this kind of nit picking from VTNZ but will be the last time.
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