Brake Noise

drew2009, Nov 11, 7:54pm
Occasionally the rear brakes on my Honda Rafaga (4 Wheel Disc Brakes) make a clunk noise while braking. Usually while braking heavily but not always. I want to get this sorted and Im thinking the discs may be warped, but could be something else.
Any ideas where i should start looking and what i should be fixing!.

drew2009, Nov 11, 7:57pm
Have even considered that it may be the rear suspension as brakes dont seem to bad.

kazbanz, Nov 11, 8:05pm
definition please--by A clunk do you mean a single clunk or a series of clunks

therafter1, Nov 11, 8:06pm
Does it happen after you have reversed !

Occasionally with after market pads the fit isn??

drew2009, Nov 11, 8:07pm
Single clunk when pedal is depressed. Doesn't continue to clunk continuously.

drew2009, Nov 11, 8:08pm
You may be right actually it does have cheap brake pads in the rear.

drew2009, Nov 11, 8:10pm
Can anyone recommend a better quality replacement brake pad that won't do that!

therafter1, Nov 11, 8:12pm
OE . but probably trial and error . it isn't a problem anyway as long as you know that is what it is, it isn??

bellky, Nov 11, 8:36pm
could be this just as easily though

a.woodrow, Nov 11, 9:23pm
Try Honda. you'll get what was designed for the car, price may be a little more though

bellky, Nov 11, 9:25pm
if it's only that, it's not a problem

drew2009, Feb 25, 8:58am
Yeah just worried about pedantic wof inspectors giving me shit.
They fussy as hell when it comes to brakes, usually because they don't even grasp the concept of what theyre inspecting, so they just fail everything.
The noise is annoying to.