Hi there my reverse wont kick in on my Ford explorer.I am a single mum and would like some advise please :(
Nov 4, 11:29pm
Nov 4, 11:56pm
If you want help, a bit more detail will help others to help you. Did this just happen or has it been giving some sort of problems recently. Have you just had anything done to it and as above manual or auto!
Nov 5, 12:43am
There's nothing you can really do as far as checks are concerned. Take your car to the garage first thing in the morning and based on what I've seen, I'd suggest you take a seat when you receive the bad news.
Nov 5, 1:23am
this has just happened,it is auto.Goes into drive and drives fine just will not kick into reverse :(
Nov 5, 1:25am
Common problem. Rear brand will have broken in the trans. Lotsa $$$ to fix or other option is fit S/H Trans . which will probably do the same again in the future.
People really shouldn't buy Exploders.
Nov 5, 3:16am
And especially if you have to live on a tight budget, its just lunacy.People here just can't grasp the fact they are built cheap by and for Yanks to throw away after about five years. You drive them after this at your peril.
Nov 5, 12:31pm
On the up side it still goes forward and you don't need reverse for wof.
Nov 5, 1:32pm
Cheap and nasty yank rubbish sell for scrap and buy a proper car, Ford dont even stock parts for this crap.
Nov 5, 11:56pm
Ah, yes we do actually.
Nov 6, 3:04pm
Really I met a guy who manufactures suspension parts for exploders coz ford doesnt have them and I heard from someone who should know panel parts are unobtainium
Nov 6, 6:04pm
check your fluid level, or if it been 50k since last trans oil change do it
Nov 6, 8:50pm
another ford EXPLODER bites the dust
Nov 6, 10:15pm
No dealer of any brand will carry spare panels for a 10 year old car. We can still get them from the main Ford Warehouse in Auckland.
I know plenty of aftermarket suspension options for any car ever made . doesn't mean Ford ones are obsolete. We still sell and fit a lot (obviously, being an explorer they need it!) Though generally the suspension is pretty good on them, just the running gear, wheel bearings, and arm bushes that crap out. And all the electrical things.
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