Hehe, I'd rather push my XXX than drive your XXX

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whqqsh, Nov 6, 1:11am
gotta laugh when I see halfwits with the stickers & plate surrounds proclaiming this.
Got even better today when one driving the 'other brand' stopped at the gassy beside me, sneered 'get a real car, like my XXX'
I replied 'why would I take the advice of a dork who is happy to buy a POS he knows he'll have to push AND advertise it, let alone make the same mistake & buy a shitter'
thought he was going to take a swing, but he told me to have sex somewhere else (polite version for TM) got into his car tore out the forecourt. I laughed even harder when I heard it was just a six cylinder with a bodykit

msj23, Nov 6, 1:16am
Bet you my car is better than yours! lol

lusty9, Nov 6, 1:19am
nothing wrong with a 3,4,6 or 8 cylinder as long as its carrying the ars# driving it

pebbles61, Nov 6, 1:38am
lol sounds like he was compensating. I find that once in a blue moon a chick sitting shotgun in a boy racer car, like the look of my oddball classic, their Mr. gets angry and sets hooning it etc "His car can't do this blah blah!"

franc123, Nov 6, 3:09am
Its a weird thing alright. Most of the aggro and small willy syndrome comes from the red team though. The blues generally couldn't give a stuff about what other people drive, and get especially amused by wearers of HSV clothing that bag Ford at every opportunity but mostly drive Jap themselves.And of course equally embarrassing is those that spend much time and money adding many kilos of plastic body kit to a Commie that probably slows it down yet they forget to take the Executive or Acclaim badges off lol.

chebry, Nov 6, 3:23am
Worst are the childish types who buy a XR6/8 and think they have a performance car when in fact XR is a trim level not a performance upgrade.

quickstitch, Nov 6, 3:32am
the xr series have a performance suspension package, a bigger valve head, more compression and a more aggressive cam.

franc123, Nov 6, 3:40am
Yes it is, the only time that statement is correct is with standard XR6's from BA upwards, all the others have performance increases over standard Falcons.

pebbles61, Nov 6, 3:42am
Clearly the Austin 1300 is better than the Morris 1300 lol

johnf_456, Nov 6, 5:16am
Very true

whqqsh, Nov 6, 10:34am
you got the brands right

nzdoug, Nov 6, 11:04am
Lada owner.

ofive, Nov 6, 11:34am
must be happening in auckland

chebry, Nov 6, 12:35pm
quickstitch wrote:
the xr series have a performance suspension package, a bigger valve head, more compression and a more aggressive cam.[/quotI
In your head maybe but not on the Ford lots where they sell cars

inkapuka, Nov 6, 3:08pm
I drive a vx commodore s2 berlina v6 the only thing iv'e done to it performance wise is a k&n pannel filter i managed to keep up with a turbo falcon upto 80kph i buttond off it was in town lol but i didn't even have the power button on they not that quick and considering i had a boot full of Sh1t just weighing it down and the tyres were a bit on the low side too

chebry, Nov 6, 3:10pm
From memory nothing older than a BA has been on sale for some time in fact I think were up to F now

xpfairmont, Nov 6, 4:15pm
What's funny is that both are only okay. They both don't suck (apart form the gas) and they're both not great, they're just okay.
I've got a few old Fords but wouldn't buy anything they've made in the last 20+ years.
Rather ride my pushbike than own a late model Ford or Holden.
Work from home so don't even need a work car. ha ha ha

xpfairmont, Nov 6, 4:16pm
or is it just the owners of both that put me off!

bent_ate, Nov 6, 4:24pm
Funniest is the dumb ass skanks particuly the fat trash ones in HSV designer clothing they got on special from Kmart who bleat on about how great there Bf's car is, it does this and that, you ask them what ET it has run, they have no idea what side is top from bottom on a motor let alone anything remotely to do with mechanicals or racing

bent_ate, Nov 6, 4:26pm
Get your hand off it

planted4u, Nov 6, 5:04pm
Your name should be Kaka as thats what your talking

chebry, Nov 6, 5:11pm
I wonder if the driver of the turbo Ford knew you were racing him because those things really go and VX Commodores dont

inkapuka, Nov 6, 5:19pm
Hey hey who has won bathurst last 5yrs aye!.HOLDEN

chebry, Nov 6, 5:27pm
With Chevrolet V8 power not alloy V6

lazzo, Nov 6, 5:45pm
I've not read so much shit in a long time on here. XR6 Turbo are one of the quickest family sedans on the road and if you think your fine piece of Holden automotive history had a chance against it, you're seriously mistaking.

Most of the good folk who read this message board are knowledgable automotive people, not silly enough to believe that.