Hehe, I'd rather push my XXX than drive your XXX

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xpfairmont, Nov 6, 5:48pm
Did they drive it from the dealership to the start of the race track! No! So nothing to do with the road going cars.

nightboss, Nov 6, 6:00pm
You got that correct when you said "read", threads are often an entertaining read until the two tribes of cave dwellers pick up their sticks and face off to the chants of "Ford,Ford,Ford" or "Holden,Holden,Holden.

At that point the chuckles turn to yawns and the "knowledgable automotive people" leave the thread to the cave dwellers while the seek some interesting reading matter.

Which is, I believe the point the original poster was making, the similarity between Ford and Holden cars is greater than the differences. Pity the same can not be said of their "non-owning" fans.

jason18, Nov 6, 8:19pm
Hahahahh Sure the xr6 turbo wasnt towing you

Been in both cars and the xr6 turbo must not have been booting it.

whqqsh, Nov 6, 9:01pm
typical of the type thread is about, keep digging lol

ema1, Nov 6, 10:41pm
I remember a bumper sticker from years ago." Save Fuel Burn An Arab." and it had a stylized blob of black oil with a fezz hat on with a couple of white eyes .
Was quite funny I recall. Guess what. it was on the rear bumper of a Ford Thunderbird.

ema1, Nov 6, 10:41pm
I remember a bumper sticker from years ago." Save Fuel Burn An Arab." and it had a stylized blob of black oil with a fezz hat on with a couple of white eyes .
Was quite funny I recall. Guess what. it was on the rear bumper of a Ford Thunderbird.
Seen one on a Jaguar .Don't Mess With My Puss.Go figure

johnf_456, Nov 6, 10:47pm

johnf_456, Nov 6, 10:50pm
Please keep posting

chebry, Nov 6, 11:44pm
Im with you on that I had some great EHs HQs even 80s Commodores but the newer stuff forget it, I rented a new Dore for a week in QLD 2006 ok sorta car I guess, I bought a turbodiesel peugeot that could eat it on any road more comfortable and could get 1200kms to a 70L tank so nar I dont want a new one either.

corvette3, Nov 7, 1:22am
I have a 383cuin Chev powered Nuffield tractor that I use for Tractorpulling.I took it into work last week and another employee told me in no uncertain terms to put a real motor in it.I asked "As In!" and he said put a Ford in it not a gutless Chev.Well I asked him"Do you have a Tractorpuller with a V8 Ford in it!" The answer was "No" So I asked "Do you actually own a Ford V8!" TheAnswer was "No" so I replied "That it is obvious to me that he only owns the T-Shirt and that there was a pretty Powerful Odor coming from it.
Kind regards Pieter

planted4u, Nov 7, 12:48pm
This is so true. I have ford V8 now but have had holden and chev and admire the best of each. When I bought my latest V8 I bought what I thought was the best value for the money that I had availible to spend at that time.
Most tossers that say crap genraly dont own and have never owned a V8 of any description other than a tee shirt.

kazbanz, Nov 7, 1:27pm
The only time I get into the red vs blue debate is with my 12 year old daughter.
I only do it to stir her up. Otherwise I just couldn't care less

skin1235, Nov 8, 12:37am
lol, and she probably has a higher IQ than most of the blue red fanclub wannabe's, and the same level of juvenile irrationality too, world shattering to her is a sparrow that has gorged on grain and cannot fly, for the blue red juvies it just the colour of the badge that gets them emotional and irrationally emotive

dr.doolittle, Nov 8, 12:58am
"hehe, I'd rather push my XXX than drive your XXX"

Well just for you Mr Whqqsh

I'd rather drink my XXXX than push your XXX.

fordmfp, Nov 8, 4:51pm
HAHAHA Brilliant! That is the funniest thing I have read for ages! I'm a V8 guy all the way but I've driven a BA XR6 T and a FG G6E T and they were VERY quick and no way a basically standard V6 or straight 6 would keep up with them!

nightboss, Nov 8, 5:54pm
I pass both Fords and Holdens every day, easy.

While they are refueling I pass them.

smac, Nov 8, 6:13pm
Which models! Certainly nothing recent!

mopsy3, Nov 8, 7:43pm
FG XR6 has "sports seats and sports suspension and a sports instrument cluster". Oh and an 8" colour touch screen. 18" alloys and projector headlamps and front fog lights.

smac, Nov 8, 9:15pm
Exactly. Certainly not bigger valves, more aggressive cam and higher compression.

whqqsh, Nov 8, 10:27pm
good grief, you drink XXXX!! So thats it, I did wonder. I have a tale to tell about that stuff, maybe next time

dave653, Nov 8, 11:29pm
XXXX is just as crap as Fosters!

hutchk, Nov 8, 11:41pm
Think : was there anybody in the driver's seat of the 'coon! I believe you may have been racing a parked car.

jason18, Nov 9, 1:43am
Hahah Thats GOLD!