Advice needed re turning right issue.

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richard112, Nov 16, 12:52am
If the car is not reg/warranted, it should not be on the road. i.e. That should have been a big empty space that was grazed. So you can extrapolate that. I could be waiting to do a right hand turn in my non-road vehicle ummm ride on mower - F1 Red Bull thing,- Prototype Hovercraft,Someone hits me. Do I have rights! Moral maybe. Legal no. Anyway it's all hypothetical as I spose it was reg & war.But I feel better now.

flashgordon_nz, Nov 16, 1:41am
attitudedesign. being a local to you, out of interest, what intersection did it happen!

msigg, Nov 16, 3:12am
richard112wrong sorry.

chebry, Nov 16, 3:24am
Of course no charge for hitting a reversing vehicle a vehicle travelling in reverse has NO right of way

poppajn, Nov 16, 4:15am
I,ve been thru this in a slighty different way. Driveing a log truck. Approaching a turn to the right ; I indicated; pulled to to rightand useing the engine brake came to a halt. A woman plowed into my trailer. She told the police I had no brake light,s. As I said to them I never used them and re-enacted the senario later to them. Woman was given an instant fine of $150 for failing to stop in half the visible distance. Thankfully she was,nt hurt.

smac, Nov 16, 4:22am
Sorry I wasn't clear - I meant no charge for the reversing driver. I have no idea if the driver who hit the truck was charged. She could easily be charged with careless. Careless has nothing to do with 'right of way'.

coolnzmum, Nov 16, 4:43am
and of course it could just be that the lady will totally forget to come and get it fixed for no reason other than can't be bothered.I hit a vehicle of someone who we worked with many years ago.We lived in same small town and we just agreed that we would pay for the repairs without going through insurance. They had our address and phone number but never bothered to get it fixed.