Average price for trans service?

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mrsscubasteve, Dec 3, 1:15am

splinter67, Dec 3, 1:16am
What car!

intrade, Dec 3, 1:17am
depends on trans corolla slush box front wheel drive only220$ i do em for .

mrsscubasteve, Dec 3, 1:25am
Oh sorry, nissan pulsar.

intrade, Dec 3, 1:27am
what year you smurf could have a slush box or a cvt trans . completly different fluids on cvt

mrsscubasteve, Dec 3, 1:33am
NISSAN PULSAR 1996 X1 (Petrol of course!). I had to carjam my own car :(

intrade, Dec 3, 1:35am
so what trans is listed on carjam then! most likely a slush box on that pull the dipstick out and check the fluid if its red wine red or dark red towards brown!

mrsscubasteve, Dec 3, 1:38am
Dumb question but how do I tell on carjam! Fluid is close to a light brown.

intrade, Dec 3, 1:43am
be a slushbox most likely you should get it serviced as it suposed to be nice red like red wine its calleddextron 3 the fluid.
you need the sump removed the sump magnets cleaned and filter changed and reassembled with new sump gasket then filled and flushed and then toped back up to its correct filling.

intrade, Dec 3, 1:45am
can you tell if the fluids where once red the price i told you be for dextron and they probably will charge you close to 300$ for the service at a automatic transmission rebuild place. Do not just do a flush the sump has to come off on slushboxes especially on nissan ones they are not as tuff as toyota slushboxes.

smac, Dec 3, 1:46am
.and you thought they were asking for a price just for kicks!

intrade, Dec 3, 1:47am
would not be the first one lol

splinter67, Dec 3, 1:48am
Had a toyota one done earlier this year was $225

mrsscubasteve, Dec 3, 1:50am
I don't have any idea on history, I have just purchased it and partner said it needs a service. - we have changed the oil over, new rocket cover. and wheel alignment; I'm pretty sure this is the last thing that needs doing immediately. Would I notice much difference whilst driving after a service!

And is there any places you would recommend to stay away from for this!

intrade, Dec 3, 1:50am
probably just a flush, and thats not a smart thing to do. it takes 1h on a corolla to drop and clean and reassemble the sump with new filter . so i doubtverry mutch the sump was off to clean the full of crap sump and magnets.

splinter67, Dec 3, 1:52am
There used to be a good place in ngonataha not sure if I spelt that right

intrade, Dec 3, 1:52am
You should not notice any difference after a service because you should not drive with it untill it starts giving problems and then think a service is what it needs. these nissan boxes wont last if not serviced . toyota ones can survive on 2 servicesto over 450,000 km

splinter67, Dec 3, 1:54am
Go away clown it was serviced by a trans mechanic not some internet Know all

mrsscubasteve, Dec 3, 1:57am
Near the petrol station or the other end of ngongotaha township!

splinter67, Dec 3, 1:58am
close to the gas station sorry cant remember the name

mrsscubasteve, Dec 3, 2:03am
right next door to it!

intrade, Dec 3, 2:04am
splinter i know your a moron thats for sure. so i tell it just once to the original poster. Do not get it flushed , the sump has to come off with new filter and sump gasket and the magnets have to be manually cleaned including the sump plate. It may even need the bands adjusted just depends on what trans its got exactly.and to you moron some trans the bands are to be adjusted some are fixed non adjustable . like i done a capella 2001 it had adjustable bands on its slush box.

mrsscubasteve, Dec 3, 2:07am
thanks intrade. i dont have the money for another car soon so i really need this car well looked after, would most places take the sump out!

splinter67, Dec 3, 2:08am
yes pretty sure been a while when you find the name can you post it as I want them to do some work for me

intrade, Dec 3, 2:12am
no its why you got to make sure i would even whatch them do it it will cost moreand they should explain to you about bands and all if they dont then they probably dont know what they are doing and then your better off to go to a place that does.
I can only recommend 1 place in whangarei the others are huge ripoff artists here. its the place i buy my parts from and ask for exact instructions on how to service them trans each one is different and the same car can have 2 or 3 different trans. They should be able to tell you where the trans code is. On toyota its easy its on the plate with all infos.