i got a service 3 weeks ago as part of my warrenty for my car and it has now crapped out cambelt is only quarter the size its meant to be aparently close to snapping isnt this sort of thing meant to be checked at a service his recipt says nothing about cambelt and a new one was put in the car when i broought it in feb, where do i go from here contact the person who did service and hope they co-operate to fix! as my warrenty doesnt cover if it wasnt done properly at service
Dec 6, 2:36am
Cambelt is a seperate job from a service, Never heard of a quarter size cambelt
Dec 6, 2:38am
its worn down that amount so its only quarter of the size car is undriveable, in my warrenty booklet it says cambelts and all belts to be checked i gave him the book and told him i needed a full service and all that
Dec 6, 2:40am
What sort of car is it, see it might not have a cam belt and you may be looking at the accessory belt. The cam belt is inside the motor and can not be seen.
Dec 6, 2:42am
If this wasnt checked in the service, how do you know about it! Also, its good to say what type, year, etc of car. That helps people on here alot.
Dec 6, 2:45am
1998 honda accord think 2lt vtec
Dec 6, 2:46am
had a friend look at it who has pulled apart and put together many engines
Dec 6, 2:46am
It may have been fine at the service when it was checked. At a guess, i would say a tensioner or idler bearing has failed, causing the belt to be missaligned. this would wear the side off the belt in a matter of minutes. It would also be impossible to pick up at a service unless the bearing was making a heap of noise.
Dec 6, 2:48am
Why! Was it making noise!
Dec 6, 2:48am
Yeah, screw him for all he's got - he should've done the cambelt as part of the service no extra charge.and emptied your ashtrays as well.
Dec 6, 2:49am
What - No cut and polish!
Dec 6, 2:50am
yip sort of a knocking noise then drove it home from friends and it got worse when accerating it wouldnt go
Dec 6, 3:09am
If cambelt has worn to 1/4 of its original width DO NOT run the car. The cambelt requires covers etc to be removed to check it, are you sure you are looking at the right belt. First step would be to ring the last person to service and politely ask if the cambelt was checked. Explain why you are asking. If you do determine that it is worn and was replaced in Feb, that should be your next call. Only mechanical interference due to mis-alignment or sinilar will cause edge wear on a cambelt.
Dec 6, 3:10am
This sounds more like an "now" incident rather than long term damage that could have been picked up in a service,I had a cam wheel retaining pin snap on a vr4 that wore through some of the cambelt after the cam wheel came loose,stuff like this can just fail and do damage quickly and can't be predicted at a service.
Dec 6, 5:18am
Any chance ofa picture of the damaged belt!Then maybe more helpful advise might be available.
Dec 6, 5:29am
I would think the cambelt is OK.would not know if worn unless cover removed. Sounds like the alternator, power steering belt is the one that is worn.
Dec 6, 6:02am
Good move to keep driving it.
Dec 6, 11:30am
sounds like youre one of those idiots who shouldnt own a car. lets blame it on someone else and then its not my fault.
Dec 6, 12:19pm
haha heard a noise and it got real bad so i drove it home.
Dec 6, 12:32pm
Lets not call the girl names just cause she dosn't understand whats going on in there. A cambelt check is not part of a full service. But a good tech would be looking for a sticker or indicator of when the cambelt was last done and advise the customer. A cambelt or the gear it runs round can fail well before the expected life of the belt. Cambelts will shread them self in seconds if an idler is not running true. In most cases the workshop that serviced the car would not be at fault unless you requested them to check on a strange noise coming from the engine and they failed to do so.
Dec 6, 12:45pm
If there is a sticker saying that cambelt was done in febuary its highly unlikly the mechanic would have pulled apart the covers to check the belt. If he charged you an extra hour or so labour to pull apart your engine to check your cambelt and tensioner that was only installed 9 months ago without you asking he would be getting accused of being a rip off and doing work that wasnt asked for.
Dec 6, 1:06pm
Your warrenty that you have Im assuming a mechanical warrenty Should cover the cambelt failure and any damage especially if its failed due to an idler bearing or similar. I wouldn't have let my friend touch it tho as they might say its been mucked around with and try weasel out of it. Ring your warrenty place.
Dec 6, 1:12pm
OP --WHERE exactly is this "cam" belt! Can you see it just looking under the bonnet!
Dec 6, 1:39pm
Honda. phisst,.engine turns wrong way for a start, don't you chaps get sick and tired of this crap, bet u she lost her job at the fish factory, and is out for vengeance on any dumb dick that moves
Dec 6, 2:49pm
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