Looking at buying one of these for an economical runabout. Its a private sale , 1994 model with 130,000 K's . There's those of you who will say don't touch a diesel but I want to hear the pro's and con's from those who know . Thanks in advance.
Dec 9, 11:55pm
Check the annual registration costs,as well you will probably have topay for Road User charges at 3 tonnes.
Make sure that the RUC is up to date before you purchase, otherwise you will have to pay the overdue fees
Dec 10, 12:03am
Starlet diesel is actually quite good. Check for fuel leaks around the injector pump and coolant condition.
Dec 10, 12:12am
The ruc's on them little diesels is a big cost. Get a petrol one.
Dec 10, 12:15am
Yes I realise the ruc's and extra rego. I have had diesels before, but never a baby one, lol
Dec 10, 12:17am
I would get a petrol one. The petrol ones are so thrifty on fuel and don't have the hassle of diesel.
Dec 10, 12:21am
Rucs are about $55 per 1000 and no you wont have to pay for the overdue rucs if there are any
Dec 10, 12:25am
The new owner is liable for any outstanding RUCs
Dec 10, 12:30am
Wrong new owner is responsible from transfer old owner must pay to bring RUCs upto date, But any way good little cars these nothin wrong with diesel Toyotas good on fuel reliable easy to repair check for leaks around the injector pump when it starts cold watch while it warms up pumps are easy to do seals on anyhow.
Dec 10, 12:35am
Your right I wish they would stop changing rules but your still a nark
Dec 10, 12:57am
I had one for about 30,000ks. It was a good little car and was quite cheap on fuel. I couldget 20ks per liter all day every day. One tip I can give is to replace the intake resonator and plumbing with 4" drain hose or whatever. It will make a big difference to the power output. Then if you have some spare cash replace the exhaust from the manifold with 2" pipe. Second tip is to learn how to conserve momentum. Fifth gear is quite overdriven and most hills will require 4th. To help conserve RUC, drive it in reverse. The counter goes backwards.;)
Dec 10, 1:16am
Yep, unless they have changed the rules recently, the liability for ruc's, STAY with the vehicle regardless of who owns it.
I'm assumung its a 1NT engine! If so they are absolute sods to get spares for, service stuff is no problem but other things can be a nightmare. Not a bad little car but the sheer "orphanness" of that engine would put me off. Petrol would be a better bet.
Dec 10, 1:05pm
WOW$55. per 1000 km. so that,s$5.50every 100km. orso that's .$ 1.12every20 km . soIFyou were getting 20 km / ltre= xtra $1.12 / litre of fuel cost!YIKES !
Dec 10, 1:19pm
yes but how many ks per litre does the petrol one do in the real world not what some clown at toyota thinks they will do and it seems that there are a lot of diesel cars running around with Gps in them Im sure you can work out why and its not to tell you where your going
Dec 10, 2:04pm
my corolla petrol uses round 6 to 7 liter somwhere 1.3 liter engine 3 speed automatic and my 1.5 carina ised 7.1 to 8 liter . older petrol cars are lighter then new cars, i only drive diesel cars because i repair diesel would be a bit of a oxymoron if i turn up with a petrol and then get asked why dont you drive a diesel. I got 8 cars and 7 are diesel, as i posted from my one petrol corolla and the carina is long gone rusted away was the previous one before i got the corolla . E111 its not worth to own a diesel all up in this country unless you can run it on your own fuel and repair it fully your self. Another thing is older japanese are gutless as hell compaired to same old euro diesel.
Dec 10, 2:49pm
not very bloody very far at those costs!.lol
Dec 10, 10:57pm
Starlets only have the 1N.
The 1NT is in the corsas.
Dec 11, 2:51am
totally agree, great little cars , however ours broke down and we found that you cannot get anything but genuine parts for the 1n motor all out of japan and they were very expensive we did not fix it , if you want a diesel buy a corolla with a 3c motor and the electronic fuel pump they are one of the best diesels you can get
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