Service Fees

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staed_41, Dec 10, 12:18am
I need some advice, I have just had my car serviced and been charged what I consider to be a whopping fee.

Total is: $386.30 - this is for a 2005 ford xr6 ba mk 2 and included.

check air filter, visual check belts and hoses, check front and rear brakes, check hand brake adjustment, inspect exhaust system and undercarriage, check operation of lights, horn and wipers, check oil and water levels, lubrication service, chang oil and filter, road tested.

technicians fee: $147.80
products used were oil: $103
brake cleaning fluid: $3
oil disposal $3.50
oil filter: $25.94
windw cleaner: $4.79
air filter: $47.21

lazzo, Dec 10, 12:27am
Maybe a little pricey but doesnt sound too over the top to me, but I do see they charged you for EVERYTHING! I would have expected $300 at a dealership.

dunedin_moto, Dec 10, 12:27am
Did you inquire as to what the service included and a quote beforehand!
Sounds like 2 hours labour + consumables to me.

casper35, Dec 10, 12:29am
My last service for my 2005 xr6 was $458.00 for much the same stuff.The down side to ford servicing.

dunedin_moto, Dec 10, 12:29am
Good to see a break down of what cost what and what was done though.
Better than just getting a bill of $XXX with no explaination.

dunedin_moto, Dec 10, 12:32am
I wouldnt call it a downside. If you go and ask for a generic 'service' on any model/make then who knows.
Be specific with what you want the service to include and get a few quotes and pretty hard to go wrong.

gunhand, Dec 10, 12:34am
Window cleaner!How much did they use for $4.79 and how do they measure it!Do they measure the bottle each time and caculate from that!Or is per squirt maybe.It says "check water level"lucky it wasn't low as you woulda got charged for the water as well.
$400 don't go far in any mechanics shop these days.

casper35, Dec 10, 12:58am
That was a basic service nothing special.

gusthe1, Dec 10, 1:03am
"check operation of horn". Toot toot, Yep that works. Money well spent.

thunderbolt, Dec 10, 1:07am
Price seems about right, maybe even a bit low for a dealership.

My FG costs more each service at Ford, oil proces is 20 bucks more for a start.

savanna71, Dec 10, 1:09am
This is nothing, i recently had to go to a Immunologist and was charged $360 for literally a 8-10 minute consultation and prescription, 4 weeks latter after the issue wasnt resolved i was charged half again $180 as a repeat visit

casper35, Dec 10, 1:24am
We i wont take my car to your immunologist if thats what they charge.

panelvanner, Dec 10, 1:28am
I don't think they charge is unreasonable, but may be the labour side a little high. BUT we don't know the labour rate, plus I assume the above costs plus GST, at 15%, makes for a fair chunk of any bill nowadays.

supernova2, Dec 10, 1:30am
Check oil level, change oil.Isnt that one and the same! Water level!Where! In the boot maybe.Fords use coolent not water!But price sounds about right assuming it was all actually done!Since when was cleaning a window part of a "service"!

zoltec45, Dec 10, 1:31am
Thats below average for a dealership service. If you just wanted an oil change then you need to say so beforehand.
Probably overpriced if it is at a garage.

Jeeze imagine if they actually found something needing doing! Bet you would spit tacks and it would be their fault the consumable items needed changing!

llortmt, Dec 10, 1:53am
What no data charge!
No environmental charge for filter disposal!
These guys have missed a few tricks IMO!

edangus, Dec 10, 2:01am
I always expect around $300 - $500.00 Just depends on what needs doing at the time.

franc123, Dec 10, 2:03am
The only things I'd really question there is the price of the oil and oil filter, given its only a muck common Ryco Z9/Fram PH8A/Ford AFL1 or equivalent its not $26 worth, and of course it needs 6.5L of a good quality 5 or 10w/30 but that shouldn't be over $100. If the poor sod adjusted the handbrake in the manner it should be done on a BA sedan then the labour is reasonable, it can be a pig of a job. The other charges are not out of the ordinary.

franc123, Dec 10, 2:11am
It would be for screen washer additive, not physically cleaning the windows.

clark20, Dec 10, 2:11am
Sounds like a fair price to me

cowlover, Dec 10, 5:55am
Ye gad!Thats an expensive additive.

wingpoint, Dec 10, 7:58pm
Yep, husbands was $478 for FIRST service from brand new. RIP OFF. I reckon, next time, local garage who services our other vehicles. Was still around $368

cassina1, Dec 11, 3:48pm
Changing oil, oil filter and air filter is something a non mechanic can do but brake fluid is best left to a mechanic. You can buy 10w40 Castrol Oil for under $50 so the cost of oil seems a rip off.

smac, Dec 11, 4:50pm
Ha.funny. You don't service late model Falcons, do you!

cassina1, Dec 12, 2:39am
No but do you feel you need to be a qualified mechanic to do an oil change!